Same here, exactly the same problem with volumes.

I've looked in github source for the SQL query that generates the
aggregated registries to try to understand but I couldn't find.


Appreciate any help too.

Em ter., 26 de jul. de 2022 17:31, Matheus Fontes <>

> Hi,
> Is anyone having  problems with usage computing removed items?
> We have a user that reported the problem.
> The volume was deleted since 2022-05-06
> mysql> select id,account_id,created,removed,state from volumes where
> id=3246;
> +------+------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+
> | id   | account_id | created             | removed             | state
> |
> +------+------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+
> | 3246 |        545 | 2021-04-08 17:03:16 | 2022-05-06 15:06:52 | Expunged
> |
> +------+------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+
> In usage process we can see it on parsing volume call:
> 2022-07-26 00:18:17,471 DEBUG [usage.parser.VolumeUsageParser]
> (Usage-Job-1:null) (logid:) Parsing all Volume usage events for account: 545
> 2022-07-26 00:18:17,472 DEBUG [usage.parser.VolumeUsageParser]
> (Usage-Job-1:null) (logid:) Total running time 86400000ms
> 2022-07-26 00:18:17,472 DEBUG [usage.parser.VolumeUsageParser]
> (Usage-Job-1:null) (logid:) Creating Volume usage record for vol: 3246,
> usage: 24, startDate: Mon Jul 25 00:00:00 BRT 2022, endDate: Mon Jul 25
> 23:59:59 BRT 2022, for account: 545
> 2022-07-26 00:18:17,484 DEBUG [usage.parser.VolumeUsageParser]
> (Usage-Job-1:null) (logid:) Total running time 86400000ms
> 2022-07-26 00:18:17,484 DEBUG [usage.parser.VolumeUsageParser]
> (Usage-Job-1:null) (logid:) Creating Volume usage record for vol: 3246,
> usage: 24, startDate: Mon Jul 25 00:00:00 BRT 2022, endDate: Mon Jul 25
> 23:59:59 BRT 2022, for account: 545
> And it are being computed to account:
> (ascenty) # > list usagerecords domainid=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
> accountid=d14c8cb9-fd92-43c8-9ddb-f2ed4e9af5a8 type=6 startdate=2022-07-25
> enddate=2022-07-25 filter=account,rawusage,size,startdate,usage,usagetype,
> {
>   "count": 2,
>   "usagerecord": [
>     {
>       "accountid": "d14c8cb9-fd92-43c8-9ddb-f2ed4e9af5a8",
>       "rawusage": "24",
>       "size": 53687091200,
>       "startdate": "2022-07-25'T'00:00:00-03:00",
>       "usage": "24 Hrs",
>       "usagetype": 6
>     },
>     {
>       "accountid": "d14c8cb9-fd92-43c8-9ddb-f2ed4e9af5a8",
>       "rawusage": "24",
>       "size": 53687091200,
>       "startdate": "2022-07-25'T'00:00:00-03:00",
>       "usage": "24 Hrs",
>       "usagetype": 6
>     }
>   ]
> }

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