I doesn’t necessarily get throttled, the added latency will definitely impact the maximum bandwidth achievable per stream, especially if you are using TCP. In this case a bandwidth delay calculator can help you find the maximum theoretical bandwidth for a given latency: https://www.switch.ch/network/tools/tcp_throughput/?do+new+calculation=do+new+calculation
From: Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com.INVALID> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2023 6:04 PM To: users@cloudstack.apache.org Cc: Levin Ng <levindec...@gmail.com>; Jithin Raju <jithin.r...@shapeblue.com>; vivek.ku...@indiqus.com Subject: Re: Write Speeds Hi Levin I skipped all the VM testing and tested iperf straight from the KVM host to determine a base line to the remote USA VM machine: - KVM to Remote USA VM: 113 Mbits/sec - USA VM to KVM Host: 35.9 Mbits/sec I then ran the same test again, this this time the remote host was in a DC that's close to our DC in the same country that we use: - KVM to remote host: 409 Mbits/sec - Remote host to KVM: 477 Mbits/sec So do you think its safe to conclude that somewhere traffic from the USA VM to the local KVM host gets throttled? Based on the results above, the throttling doesn't seems to be in from ISPs inside our country. So yeah, somewhere some ISP is throttling during the USA routes. On 7/10/23 15:56, Levin Ng wrote: Hi Groete, I’m not sure what is your network setting in ACS, but test between two public IP with ~500Mbps sound like u are saturated by in/out bound traffics in the single network path, can you do a test from outside ACS to your VM using an same public network segment IP, it will avoid network routing and confusion., what is your ACS network driver using? If vxlan, better check with network switch multicast performance. The remote performances clearly shown the ISP put some limit on the line, you have to check with them. Unless your line is end-to-end, Metro-Ethernet etc… otherwise it is not always have guarantee throughput. On the disk performance, should you share your fio test command and result beforehand. I’m assuming you are doing something like fio -filename=./testfile.bin -direct=1 -iodepth 8 -thread -rw=randrw -rwmixread=50 -ioengine=psync -bs=4k -size=1000M -numjobs=30 -runtime=600 -group_reporting -name=mytest Regards, Levin On 10 Jul 2023 at 11:33 +0100, Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com>, wrote: Hi Guys Thank you, I have been running more tests now with the feedback you guys gave. Firstly, I want to break this up into two sections: 1. Network: - So I have been running iperf tests between my VMs on their public network, and my iperf tests gives me speeds of ~500 Mbps, keep in mind this in between two local VMs on the same KVM but on public network. - I then run iperf tests in and out from my local VMs to remote servers, this is where it does funny things. From the remote VM in USA, I run an iperf test to my local VM, the speeds show ~50 Mbps. And if I run a test from my local VM to a remote USA VM the same ~50 Mbps speeds are accomplished. I ran my iperf tests with 1 GB and 2GB flags and the results remain constant - During all these test I kept an eye on my VR resources, which use default service offerings, it never spiked or reach thresholds. Is it safe to assume that because of the MASSIVE distance between the remote VM and my local VMs, the speed dropping to ~50 Mbps is normal? Keep in mind the remote VM has 1 Gbps line too and this VM is managed by a big ISP provider in the USA. To me its quite a massive drop from 1000 Mbps to 50 Mbps, this kinda does not make sense to me. I would understand at least 150 Mbps. 2. Disk Write Speed: - It seems the only changes that can be made is to implement disk cache options. And so far I see write-back seems to be common practise for most cloud providers, given that they have the necessary power redundancy and VM backup images in place. But for now, other than write cache types are there anything else that can be done to improve disk writing speeds. I checked RedHat guides on optimising VMs and I seem to have most in place, but write speeds remain at ~50 Mbps. On 7/10/23 06:25, Jithin Raju wrote: Hi Groete, The VM virtual NIC network throttling is picked up from its compute offering. You may need to create a new compute offering and change the VM’s compute offering. If it is not specified in the compute offering, means it is taking the values from the global settings: vm.network.throttling.rate . -Jithin From: Levin Ng <levindec...@gmail.com><mailto:levindec...@gmail.com> Date: Sunday, 9 July 2023 at 5:00 AM To: users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org> <users@cloudstack.apache.org><mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>, Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com> Cc: vivek.ku...@indiqus.com<mailto:vivek.ku...@indiqus.com> <vivek.ku...@indiqus.com><mailto:vivek.ku...@indiqus.com>, Nux <n...@li.nux.ro><mailto:n...@li.nux.ro> Subject: Re: Write Speeds Dear Groete, https://github.com/shapeblue/cloudstack/blob/965856057d5147f12b86abe5c9c205cdc5e44615/plugins/hypervisors/kvm/src/main/java/com/cloud/hypervisor/kvm/resource/DirectVifDriver.java https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html#quality-of-service This is in kilobytes/second, u have to divide by 8 1Gbps / 8bit = 128MB = 128000KBps You can verify by iperf test, and yes, u need to ensure both VR and VM match bandwidth settings to get a consistent result, something u also need to pay attention on VR resource, default system router resource offering is quite limited, the network speed may throttled if VR running are out of CPU resource. Regards, Levin On 8 Jul 2023 at 09:02 +0100, Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com>, wrote: Hi Levin Thank you very much, I do appreciate your feedback and time replying back to me. I believe I have picked up on something. My VMs XML dump ALL show the following: <interface type='bridge'> <mac address='xxxxxxx'/> <source bridge='cloudbr0'/> <bandwidth> <inbound average='128000' peak='128000'/> <outbound average='128000' peak='128000'/> </bandwidth> <target dev='vnet219'/> <model type='virtio'/> <link state='up'/> <alias name='net0'/> <rom bar='off' file=''/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/> </interface> Specifically: <bandwidth> <inbound average='128000' peak='128000'/> <outbound average='128000' peak='128000'/> </bandwidth> All my VM has this in place, a 128 Mbps limit even the VR, which makes no sense. I found this thread posted 10 years ago and Nux says that this value is affected by the service offerings: https://users.cloudstack.apache.narkive.com/T6Gx7BoV/cloudstack-network-limitation But all my service offerings are set to 1000 Mbps. See attached screenshots. The 4.18 documentation also confirms if the values are null, which most default service offerings are, it takes the values set in global settings network.throttling.rate and vm.network.throttling.rate, which I also have set as 1000 as you can see in the screenshots. I then found this: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Network+throttling+in+CloudStack with no KVM details, seems this part is missing to tell me how KVM throttling is applied. So as DuJun said 10 years ago, I feel confused about how Cloudstack limit the network rate for guest. And yes, I have stopped my VMs and rebooted MANY times it doesn't update the XML at all. Please also take into account documentation states that in shared networking there's supposed to be no limits on incoming traffic (ingress), as far as I understand it. On 7/7/23 23:35, Levin Ng wrote: Hi Groete, IMO, You should bypass any ACS provisioning to troubleshoot the performance case first, which allow you get more idea on the hardware + kvm performance with minimal influent, then you can compare the libvirt xml different between plain KVM and ACS. That help you sort out the different where it come from, you will see QoS bandwidth setting in the VM xml if you do. We are trying to tell you, when you diagnose the throughput problem, you should first identify the bottleneck where it come first. Iperf is a tools that you can test the line speed end to end into your VM, if the result in 1Gbps network are near 800+ Mbps, you can focus on the VM performance or the copy protocol you are using, try different protocol, ssh/rsync/ftp/nfs, see any different. You are already test the write-back caching which will improve disk I/O performance, it is another story you need to deep dive the pro and cons on the write cache, there are risk to corrupt the VM filesystem in some case, this is what u need to learn about each cache mode. VM Guest performance are involved by many factor, you cannot expect VM perform nearly the bare metal does. There are long journey to do such optimization, take time and improve it gradually. There are lot of kvm tuning guide you can reference and prove it on your hardware. Read thoughtfully on each tuning that may bring improvement and also introduce risk factor. Regards, Levin On 7 Jul 2023 at 21:24 +0100, Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com>, wrote: Sorry that I have to ask, can you perhaps be a bit more specific, please. The only QOS settings I see in service offering are "None", "Hypervisor" and "Storage", which doesn't really seem network related. Or am I missing the point? Take note that I use the default offerings for the VR and VMs but with slight tweaks such as setting local storage etc and only increased the Network rate from 200 Mbps to 1000 Mbps. So can you kindly explain by what QOS settings you guys are referring to, please? PS, the Write-back disk caching seems to give the VM a slight increase, I now see writes at 190 Mbps from ~70 Mbps. On 7/7/23 21:11, Vivek Kumar wrote: Hello, IPerf will simply tell you the bandwidth and the open pipe between 2 VMs, so I don’t think that it’s depends on disk performance, it’s better to check the network QoS at every layer, VR and VM. Vivek Kumar Sr. Manager - Cloud & DevOps TechOps | Indiqus Technologies vivek.ku...@indiqus.com<mailto:vivek.ku...@indiqus.com> <mailto:vivek.ku...@indiqus.com><mailto:vivek.ku...@indiqus.com> www.indiqus.com<http://www.indiqus.com><http://www.indiqus.com><http://www.indiqus.com> <https://www.indiqus.com/><https://www.indiqus.com/> On 07-Jul-2023, at 9:44 PM, Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com.INVALID><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com.INVALID> wrote: Hi Levin Thank you, I am aware of network offering, the first thing I did was make sure it was set to accommodate the KVM's entire 1 Gbps uplink. But now that I think if it iperf test prevousily were always stuck on 50 Mbps, but this is because of the write speeds on the disk at least that's what I believe causes the network bottle neck. I will double-check this again. But there is some sort of limit on the VM disk in place. FIO tests show that write speeds are in the range of 50 - 90 MB/s on the VM, while fio test confirms on the KVM its over 400 MB/s. On 7/7/23 18:08, Levin Ng wrote: Hi Groete, Forgot to mention, when you are talking about file copies between remote server, you need to aware there are network QoS option in the offering, make sure the limits correctness. Do iperf test prove that too, test between server and via virtual router. Hope you can narrow down the problem soon. Regards, Levin On 7 Jul 2023 at 16:40 +0100, Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com> <mailto:granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com>, wrote: Hi Levin Thank you, yes I leave IOPs empty. And the KVM host has SSDs in a hardware RAID 5 configuration, of which I am using local storage pool, yes. I will run fio test and also playing around with the controller cache settings to see what happens and provide feedback on this soon. On 7/7/23 17:23, Levin Ng wrote: HI Groete, Should you run a fio test on the VM and the KVM host to get a baseline first. SSD are tricky device, when it fill up the cache or nearly full, the performance will drop significantly, especially consumer grade SSD. There are option to limit IOPs in ACS offering setting, I believe you leave it empty, so it is no limit. When you talking about KVM uses SSDs, I think you are using Local Disk Pool right? If you have RAID controller underlying, try toggle the controller cache, SSD may perform vary on different disk controller cache setting. Controller type scsi, or virtio performance are similar, no need to worry about it. Of coz, in general, using RAW format and thick provisioning could get a best io performance result, but consume space and lack of snapshot capabliblity , so most the time it is not prefer go this path. Please gather more information first Regards, Levin On 7 Jul 2023 at 15:30 +0100, Granwille Strauss <granwi...@namhost.com.invalid><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com.invalid> <mailto:granwi...@namhost.com.invalid><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com.invalid>, wrote: Hi Guys Does Cloudstack have a disk write speed limit somewhere in its setting? We have been transferring many files from remote servers to VM machines on our Cloudstack instance and we recently noticed that the VM write speeds are all limited to about 5-8 MB/s. But the underlying hardware of the KVM uses SSDs capable of write speeds of 300 - 600 MB/s. My disk offering on my current vms are set to "No Disk Cache" with thin provisioning, could this be the reason? I understand that "Write Back Disk Cach" has better write speeds. Also I have VMs set as virtio for its disk controller. What could I be missing in this case? -- Regards / Groete Granwille Strauss // Senior Systems Admin e: granwi...@namhost.com<mailto:granwi...@namhost.com> <mailto:granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com> m: +264 81 323 1260 w: www.namhost.com<http://www.namhost.com><http://www.namhost.com><http://www.namhost.com> <http://www.namhost.com/><http://www.namhost.com/> Namhost Internet Services (Pty) Ltd, 24 Black Eagle Rd, Hermanus, 7210, RSA The content of this message is confidential. If you have received it by mistake, please inform us by email reply and then delete the message. It is forbidden to copy, forward, or in any way reveal the contents of this message to anyone without our explicit consent. The integrity and security of this email cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Therefore, the sender will not be held liable for any damage caused by the message. For our full privacy policy and disclaimers, please go to https://www.namhost.com/privacy-policy -- Regards / Groete Granwille Strauss // Senior Systems Admin e: granwi...@namhost.com<mailto:granwi...@namhost.com> <mailto:granwi...@namhost.com><mailto:granwi...@namhost.com> m: +264 81 323 1260 w: www.namhost.com<http://www.namhost.com><http://www.namhost.com><http://www.namhost.com> <http://www.namhost.com/><http://www.namhost.com/> Namhost Internet Services (Pty) Ltd, 24 Black Eagle Rd, Hermanus, 7210, RSA The content of this message is confidential. If you have received it by mistake, please inform us by email reply and then delete the message. It is forbidden to copy, forward, or in any way reveal the contents of this message to anyone without our explicit consent. The integrity and security of this email cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Therefore, the sender will not be held liable for any damage caused by the message. 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If you have received it by mistake, please inform us by email reply and then delete the message. It is forbidden to copy, forward, or in any way reveal the contents of this message to anyone without our explicit consent. The integrity and security of this email cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Therefore, the sender will not be held liable for any damage caused by the message. For our full privacy policy and disclaimers, please go to https://www.namhost.com/privacy-policy <https://www.adsigner.com/v1/c/631091998d4670001fe43ec2/621c9b76c140bb001ed0f818><https://www.adsigner.com/v1/c/631091998d4670001fe43ec2/621c9b76c140bb001ed0f818> -- Regards / Groete Granwille Strauss // Senior Systems Admin e: granwi...@namhost.com<mailto:granwi...@namhost.com> m: +264 81 323 1260 w: www.namhost.com<http://www.namhost.com><http://www.namhost.com><http://www.namhost.com> Namhost Internet Services (Pty) Ltd, 24 Black Eagle Rd, Hermanus, 7210, RSA The content of this message is confidential. 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