I  try to deploy  acs4.18 on RockyLinux9.2(server & host) depend on suggestion( 

But I get problems.
1. primary storage is mounted but not secondary, even though they are served by 
the same nfs server.
2. can not ping to public ip of SSVM and CPVM.
3. there are no wirewall setting for the public ip.
4. the public ip state is alllocated

My questions are;

For firewall

selinux and firewalld are disabled.

I installed iptables. 
You did not mention about this. so Is it my mistake?

For network.
I had successfully installed 4.17.2 on Rocky 8.7 with 2nic.

So I  configed as same like ;
nic0 bridged to cloudbr0 for management and stroage traffic and labeled to 
and vlan null or 1 in public traffic configuration.

nic1 bridged to cloudbr1 for guest and public traffic and labeled to cloudbr1.

for storage traffic new in 4.18 

ip rages are for server and host.

I used all ips on same network. 

Thank you!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Wei ZHOU"<ustcweiz...@gmail.com>
To: <users@cloudstack.apache.org>;
Sent: 2023-07-27 (목) 16:19:44 (GMT+09:00)
Subject: Re: Rocky 9 management setup

Actually Rohit has also mentioned it in his sharing

Create file /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd:

I will create a fix in so the file will be created automatically
if it does not exist.


On Thu, 27 Jul 2023 at 09:13, Wei ZHOU <ustcweiz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Rohit, Lucian and all,
> I installed cloudstack-agent 4.18 in a rocky9 container. libvirt 9.0.0 has
> been installed successfully, however, the file `/etc/sysconfig/libvirtd`
> does not exist.
> Checking the file on , I think the issue can be fixed easily by creating a
> empty file, for example by command
> *touch /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd*
> -Wei
> On Wed, 26 Jul 2023 at 19:24, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> wrote:
>> All,
>> I'm probably late to join this thread, I had some notes scribbled here on
>> EL9 setup (I actually setup RHEL9 with ACS 4.18):
>> https://gist.github.com/rohityadavcloud/fc401a0fe8e8ea16b4b3a4e3d149ce0c
>> Regards.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Nux <n...@li.nux.ro>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 14:24
>> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
>> Cc: 김재종 <cb...@naver.com>
>> Subject: Re: Rocky 9 management setup
>> Hello,
>> Which problem do you have, the labels or libvirtd file?
>> The labels usually are a browser caching issue. Try to clear your
>> browser cache or try with a different browser or a private browsing
>> session.
>> On 2023-07-25 02:59, 김재종 wrote:
>> > I have same problem.
>> >
>> > Do you have any work around or plan to resolve it?
>> >
>> > I hope you can help me.
>> >
>> > good day!!
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: "Jeremy Hansen"<jer...@skidrow.la.INVALID>
>> > To: <users@cloudstack.apache.org>;
>> > Cc:
>> > Sent: 2023-03-11 (토) 05:51:58 (GMT+09:00)
>> > Subject: Re: Rocky 9 management setup
>> >
>> >  Seeing some broken labels:
>> >
>> > Also noticed that /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd needs to exist.  The latest
>> > libvirt packages in Rocky 9 do not automatically place this file:
>> >
>> > From /var/log/cloudstack/agent/setup.log
>> >
>> > DEBUG:root:[Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>> > '/etc/sysconfig/libvirtd'
>> >   File
>> > "/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/cloudutils/serviceConfig.py", line
>> > 38, in configuration
>> >     result = self.config()
>> >   File
>> > "/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/cloudutils/serviceConfig.py", line
>> > 635, in config
>> >     cfo.save()
>> >   File
>> > "/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/cloudutils/configFileOps.py", line
>> > 62, in save
>> >     fp = open(self.fileName, "r")
>> >
>> > -jeremy
>> >
>> >
>> > On Friday, Mar 10, 2023 at 1:40 AM, Me <jer...@skidrow.la> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> So I went through the process on both 4.17 and 4.18 and made sure I
>> >> chose advanced and still, I see no way of adding a guest network in
>> >> 4.18:
>> >>
>> >> 4.17 has a button to create a guest network.  Do I have to change a
>> >> parameter in the global config to enable this?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >> -jeremy
>> >>
>> >> On Thursday, Mar 09, 2023 at 11:54 PM, Wei ZHOU
>> >> <ustcweiz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi Jeremy,
>> >>
>> >> There is a new type of network: L2. Please try with the L2 network.
>> >> refer to
>> >>
>> >
>> https://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/latest/adminguide/networking_and_traffic.html#configure-guest-traffic-in-an-advanced-zone
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Please note, L2 networks are only supported in the Advanced zone .
>> >> If you created a Basic zone, you cannot create any new networks.
>> >>
>> >> Kind regards,
>> >> Wei
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 at 06:22, Jeremy Hansen
>> >> <jer...@skidrow.la.invalid>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Ran in to this while trying to setup QuickCloudNoServices:
>> >>
>> >> Configuring guest traffic
>> >> *Something went wrong; please correct the following:*
>> >> Service Dhcp is not supported by the network offering [Network
>> >> Offering
>> >> [20-Guest-QuickCloudNoServices]
>> >>
>> >> This is during the configuration wizard.
>> >>
>> >> Not really sure I understand. I’m trying to set up a L2 network
>> >> with an
>> >> external DHCP server. Is QuickCloudNoServices the wrong choice?
>> >>
>> >> -jeremy
>> >>
>> >> On Thursday, Mar 09, 2023 at 6:23 PM, Me <jer...@skidrow.la> wrote:
>> >> Is there links to any kind of updated documentation? I seem to be
>> >> having
>> >> issues with libvirtd and setting up the agent on Rocky 9. I’m
>> >> trying to
>> >> follow the 4.17 docs, but some things seem to no longer apply.
>> >>
>> >> Error 530
>> >> Unable to add the host: Cannot find the server resources at
>> >> http://dell1.fr1.clx.corp
>> >>
>> >> Also noticed in the agent adding process, this being written to
>> >> qemu.conf:
>> >>
>> >> #deprecation_behavior = "none"vnc_tls=1
>> >> vnc_tls=1vnc_tls=1
>> >> vnc_tls=1vnc_tls=1
>> >>
>> >> which breaks libvirtd:
>> >>
>> >> Mar 09 18:14:21 dell1.fr1.clx.corp libvirtd[29917]: configuration
>> >> file
>> >> syntax error: /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf:955: expecting a separator
>> >> Mar 09 18:14:21 dell1.fr1.clx.corp libvirtd[29917]: Initialization
>> >> of QEMU
>> >> state driver failed: configuration file syntax error:
>> >> /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf:955: expecting a separator
>> >> Mar 09 18:14:21 dell1.fr1.clx.corp libvirtd[29917]: Driver state
>> >> initialization failed
>> >>
>> >> Fixing that config allowed libvirtd to start and I was able to add
>> >> hosts.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >> -jeremy
>> >>
>> >> On Thursday, Mar 09, 2023 at 10:22 AM, Wei ZHOU
>> >> <ustcweiz...@gmail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> Hi Jeremy,
>> >>
>> >> You can find the packages for at
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/testing/
>> >>
>> >> The "el8" packages can also be used on rocky8/rocky9.
>> >>
>> >> -Wei
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, 9 Mar 2023 at 18:06, Jeremy Hansen
>> >> <jer...@skidrow.la.invalid>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Thanks. I had build issues with 4.18 trying to build on Rocky 9. If
>> >> packages are available, I’d love to try it.
>> >>
>> >> -jeremy
>> >>
>> >> On Thursday, Mar 09, 2023 at 2:46 AM, Rohit Yadav <
>> >> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
>> >> Hi Jeremy,
>> >>
>> >> EL9 isn't supported for 4.17 yet (you may workaround, but not
>> >> generally
>> >> recommended), wait until
>> >>
>> >> You may even help test the RCs.
>> >>
>> >> Regards.
>> >>
>> >> ________________________________
>> >> From: Kiran Chavala <kiran.chav...@shapeblue.com>
>> >> Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2023 14:14
>> >> To: Vivek Kumar via users <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
>> >> Subject: Re: Rocky 9 management setup
>> >>
>> >> Hi Vivek
>> >>
>> >> You can comment the line number 45 and line 375 to 391 in the script
>> >>
>> >> /usr/bin/cloudstack-setup-databases
>> >>
>> >> And try running the cloudstack-setup-databases again
>> >>
>> >> Regards
>> >> Kiran
>> >>
>> >> ________________________________
>> >>
>> >> From: Jeremy Hansen
>> >> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2023 07:53
>> >> To: Vivek Kumar via users
>> >> Subject: Rocky 9 management setup
>> >>
>> >> The database setup script seems broken in for Rocky 9. I
>> >> realize
>> >> Rocky isn’t officially supported yet but I’d like to try…
>> >>
>> >> Is there an alternative way to setup the db on a fresh install?
>> >>
>> >> Currently seeing
>> >>
>> >> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> >> File "/usr/bin/cloudstack-setup-databases", line 45, in <module>
>> >> from cloud_utils import check_selinux, CheckFailed, resolves_to_ipv6
>> >>
>> >> ImportError: cannot import name 'check_selinux' from 'cloud_utils'
>> >> (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cloud_utils/__init__.py)
>> >>
>> >> Do the latest builds support Rocky 9?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >> -jeremy

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