
Cloudstack matches the Rocky OS by means of 2 things:
- the contents of /etc/redhat-release and
- the contents of cloud.host_details (where existing entries are)

The script who does this is /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/vm/hypervisor/versions.sh

I am not 100% this will work, but try to adjust /etc/redhat-release on the new server to be like the old ones, see if that yields any improvements to your problem. You should definitely NOT fiddle like this in production, if you have a test environment, that'd be great.


On 2023-12-10 11:11, Christian Reichert wrote:
Hello Community,

I have a Cluster with Rocky 8.5 hosts, libvirt 6 and CloudStack Agent
4.18.0. I upgrade the first host to Rock 8.9 with libvirt 8, now the
agent is not starting on the host.

In the log I found "ERROR [kvm.resource.LibvirtConnection]
(Agent-Handler-1:null) (logid:) Connection with libvirtd is broken:
invalid connection pointer in virConnectGetVersion"

I know that I cannot mix OS versions in a cluster but I thought this
is only valid for major versions like Rock 8 / 9.

When I add the host to a new create cluster the host is successfully

Any idea how to upgrade my existing cluster without interrupting the
instances to Rock 8.9?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

BR, Christian

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