

I'm struggling to link CloudStack with Veeam 12 and I keep encountering the
same issue: "Failed to authenticate Veeam API service due to: Connection

My question is, should I be connecting to the API on the Veeam Enterprise
Manager or the Backup and Replication server? I'm asking because the
instructions aren't clear on this point.

  - Veeam B&R server URL. Default: http://
<http://%3cVEEAM_SERVER_IP%3e:9398/api/> <VEEAM_SERVER_IP>:9398/api/     but
B&R API does not run on 9398 it is on 9419, only the Veeam Backup Ent
Manager API runs on 9398 and 9399. 


Anyone using with Veeam 12.


Thank you,


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