Meant to have stated here that our ACS version is 4.15.2

ACS 4.1.2
KVM on Ubuntu 20.04
Hosts are Dell R7525 AMD EPYC dual socket 32 core CPU’s

Is there a VM setting that can over-ride the CPU topology?

It seems that when we have a VM with less than 8 vCPU – the domain xml of a VM 
shows the CPU topology as a single socket.
However between 8 and 16 vCPU’s it shows the topology as having 2 sockets and 
16 or more vCPUs shows 4 sockets.
I have tried using a VM setting of cpuSocket = 1on a VM with 8vCPU’s  but it is 
ignored and continues to use a topology with 2 sockets



Gary Dixon​​​​
Quadris Cloud Manager
+44 (0) 161 537 4980<tel:+44%20(0)%20161%20537%204980>
 +44 (0) 7989 717661<tel:+44%20(0)%207989%20717661>
Innovation House, 12‑13 Bredbury Business Park
Bredbury Park Way, Bredbury, Stockport, SK6 2SN

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