The way we've been delivering GPU offering with Cloudstack is by using host
So each host with a specific GPU has the host tags, example: a16,
and the compute offering with the GPU definition also use the hosttag a16.

We've been using this with XenServer Enterprise and so far , no issue for
GPU and vGPU support.

Nux: vGPU and GPU are more attractive than ever with AI inferencing
workload, GPU for AI and desktop, vGPU for desktop mostly.

On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 7:00 AM Nux <> wrote:

> This sounds foreign to me, afaik GPU support is limited to certain (old)
> NVIDIA Grid cards on Xenserver Enterprise.
> Modern GPUs are not supported out of the box, although of course many
> here do use them by means of custom xml/groovy scripts.
> How you detect them, no idea, let's see how other users do it, if they
> care to share.
> On 2024-02-26 18:00, Douglas Oliveira wrote:
> > Hello,
> > How does the GPU discovery process work on the hypervisor with SC,
> > something similar to what Opennebula does? (through lspci)
> > I currently have a service offering created via API for an Nvidia A16
> > GPU,
> > which does not work because it is informed that there are no hosts
> > available to serve the resource. So I'm unsure whether what doesn't
> > work is
> > the service offering or the non-detection of the GPU on the host.
> >
> > Regards

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