Hello, Andrei

Currently you cannot disable listing metrics when using the UI, this behavior has been discussed and changed with PR https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pull/8782. On the next minor release (4.19.1) there will be a configuration to let you change the behavior of the `listVirtualMachines` API so that it does not return the metrics by default.

Furthermore, if you do not care for the metrics, you could change the `vm.stats.max.retention.time` value to 1, so that the VM's metrics are only kept for one minute; thus minimizing the amount of metrics being listed. Beware that setting this value to 0 or lower will disable the metrics cleanup, so 1 is the lowest value you can go.

Also, if you have too many metrics collected, you might run into the issue that is described here https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pull/8740, where due to the amount of metrics that ACS tries to delete in a single query, the query always times out and this snowballs into a huge amount of metrics on your DB. The linked PR solves this adding another configuration to limit the amount of metrics deleted per query, hopefully it will be in by Until then, if you notice that the metrics are not being deleted, you might have to manually delete the old ones on the DB.

Best regards,

João Jandre

On 6/18/24 03:40, Andrei Mikhailovsky wrote:
Hello everyone,

Could someone recommend me a way to disable the collection of vm metrics? It is 
currently taking a long time (10-20 seconds) for the vm information to show up 
when clicking on a vm. Also, when trying to attach a volume(s) to a vm, the 
full list of vms is not populating (my guess due to the timeout when retrieving 
vm metrics). I've tried reducing the length of collected data in the cloudstack 
settings, as suggested by someone on this list, but this did not solve the 

Currently, the vm metrics data are not being used and their collection is 
causing too much inconvenience and at times makes the gui unusable. Could 
someone suggest the way the collection of vm metrics data could be switched off?

Many thanks


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