Thanks very much Cédric

I've added migrate_to/from to my config:

primitive tome_kvm ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain \
        params config="/ocfs2/d01/tome/tome.xml" hypervisor="qemu:///system" 
migration_transport="ssh" force_stop="false" \
        meta allow-migrate="true" target-role="Started" \
        op start timeout="120s" interval="0" \
        op stop timeout="120s" interval="0" \
        op monitor timeout="30" interval="10" depth="0" \
        op migrate_to timeout="60s" interval="0" \
        op migrate_from timeout="60s" interval="0" \
        utilization cpu="4" hv_memory="4096"

when I run crm resource migrate guest nodeX nothing happens now:

# crm resource status tome_kvm
resource tome_kvm is running on: ny4j1-kvm02 
# crm resource migrate tome_kvm ny4j1-kvm01 
# echo $?
# crm resource status tome_kvm
resource tome_kvm is running on: ny4j1-kvm02 

.... and I just figured it out!

I had:
location cli-prefer-tome tome_kvm inf: ny4j1-kvm02

removed that and I am all good!

Thanks everyone!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cédric Dufour - Idiap Research Institute" <>
To: "users" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:09:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ClusterLabs] kvm live migration, resource moving


Here, we have live migration working like a charm through the cluster.
Below the XML expert of a resource configuration:

  <group id="FOOBAR">
    <primitive id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu" class="ocf" provider="custom"
      <instance_attributes id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-IA">
        <nvpair id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-IA-config" name="config"
      <meta_attributes id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-MA">
        <nvpair id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-MA-allow-migrate"
name="allow-migrate" value="true"/>
        <op id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-OP-monitor" name="monitor"
timeout="30s" interval="60s"/>
        <op id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-OP-start" name="start" timeout="60s"
        <op id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-OP-stop" name="stop" timeout="60s"
        <op id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-OP-migrate-to" name="migrate_to"
timeout="60s" interval="0"/>
        <op id="FOOBAR-LibvirtQemu-OP-migrate-from" name="migrate_from"
timeout="60s" interval="0"/>

The LibvirtQemu agent is a custom one derived from the VirtualDomain
agent (for reasons that are off-topic).

The points worth seeing are:

- the "allow-migrate" meta attribute (see "If the
allow-migrate meta parameter is set to true, then a resource migration
will not map to a domain shutdown/startup cycle, but to an actual,
potentially live, resource migration between cluster nodes. ")

- the "migrate-from" and "migrate-to" timeouts (which must be set
relative to how big - RAM-wise - your VMs are and the bandwidth
available for migration); passed this timeout, the migration will be
interrupted and the VM will be shutdown/restarted

Hope it helps,


On 04/02/16 13:44, Kyle O'Donnell wrote:
> That is helpful but I think I am looking at the wrong documentation:
> Can you point me to the docs you are referencing?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "RaSca" <>
> To: "users" <>
> Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2016 6:48:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [ClusterLabs] kvm live migration, resource moving
> If your environment is successfully configured even from the libvirt
> side, everything should work out of the box, if it does not work you can
> pass migrate_options to make it work.
> From the resource agent documentation:
> migrate_options:  Extra virsh options for the guest live migration. You
> can also specify here --migrateuri if the calculated migrate URI is
> unsuitable for your environment. If --migrateuri is set then
> migration_network_suffix and migrateport are effectively ignored. Use
> "%n" as the placeholder for the target node name.
> Please refer to the libvirt documentation for details on guest migration.
> Hope this helps,

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