Thanks for an answer. Turned out the problem was not in ipv6.
Remote node is listening on 3121 port and it’s name is resolving fine.
Got authkey file at /etc/pacemaker on both remote and cluster nodes.
What can I check in addition? Is there any walkthrough for ubuntu?

> On 07 Mar 2016, at 09:40, Ken Gaillot <> wrote:
> On 03/06/2016 07:43 PM, Сергей Филатов wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m trying to set up pacemaker_remote resource on ubuntu 14.04
>> I followed "remote node walkthrough” guide 
>> (
>> <>)
>> After creating ocf:pacemaker:remote resource on cluster node, remote node 
>> doesn’t show up as online.
>> I guess I need to configure remote agent to listen on ipv4, where can I 
>> configure it?
>> Or is there any other steps to set up remote node besides the ones mentioned 
>> in guide?
>> tcp6       0      0 :::3121                 :::*                    LISTEN   
>>    21620/pacemaker_rem off (0.00/0/0)
>> pacemaker and pacemaker_remote are 1.12 version
> pacemaker_remote will try to bind to IPv6 addresses first, and only if
> that fails, will it bind to IPv4. There is no way to configure this
> behavior currently, though it obviously would be nice to have.
> The only workarounds I can think of are to make IPv6 connections work
> between the cluster and the remote node, or disable IPv6 on the remote
> node. Using IPv6, there could be an issue if your name resolution
> returns both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the remote host; you could
> potentially work around that by adding an IPv6-only name for it, and
> using that as the server option to the remote resource.
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