On 19/09/16 09:15 +0000, Auer, Jens wrote:
> After the restart ifconfig still shows the device bond0 to be not RUNNING:
> MDA1PFP-S01 09:07:54 2127 0 ~ # ifconfig
> bond0: flags=5123<UP,BROADCAST,MASTER,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
>         inet  netmask  broadcast
>         ether a6:17:2c:2a:72:fc  txqueuelen 30000  (Ethernet)
>         RX packets 2034  bytes 286728 (280.0 KiB)
>         RX errors 0  dropped 29  overruns 0  frame 0
>         TX packets 2284  bytes 355975 (347.6 KiB)
>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

This seems to suggest bond0 interface is up and address-assigned
(well, the netmask is strange).  So there would be nothing
contradictory to what I said on the address of IPaddr2.

Anyway, you should rather be using "ip" command from iproute suite
than various if* tools that come short in some cases:
This would also be consistent with IPaddr2 uses under the hood.

Jan (Poki)

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