Please share your config along with the logs from the nodes that were

I'm starting to think it's not about how to define stonith resources. If the whole box is down with all the logical partitions defined, then HMC cannot define if LPAR (partition) is really dead or just inaccessible. This leads to UNCLEAN OFFLINE node status and pacemaker refusal to do anything until it's resolved. Am I right? Anyway, the simples pacemaker config from my partitions is below.

primitive sap_ASCS SAPInstance \
        params InstanceName=CAP_ASCS01_crmapp \
        op monitor timeout=60 interval=120 depth=0
primitive sap_D00 SAPInstance \
        params InstanceName=CAP_D00_crmapp \
        op monitor timeout=60 interval=120 depth=0
primitive sap_ip IPaddr2 \
        params ip= nic=eth0 cidr_netmask=24
primitive st_ch_hmc stonith:ibmhmc \
        params ipaddr= \
        op start interval=0 timeout=300
primitive st_hq_hmc stonith:ibmhmc \
        params ipaddr= \
        op start interval=0 timeout=300
group g_sap sap_ip sap_ASCS sap_D00 \
        meta target-role=Started
location l_ch_hq_hmc st_ch_hmc -inf: crmapp01
location l_st_hq_hmc st_hq_hmc -inf: crmapp02
location prefer_node_1 g_sap 100: crmapp01
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        stonith-enabled=true \
        no-quorum-policy=ignore \
        placement-strategy=balanced \
        expected-quorum-votes=2 \
        dc-version=1.1.12-f47ea56 \
        cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \
        last-lrm-refresh=1490009096 \
rsc_defaults rsc-options: \
        resource-stickiness=200 \
op_defaults op-options: \
        timeout=600 \

Logs are pretty much going in circle: stonith cannot reset logical partition via HMC, node stays unclean offline, resources are shown to stay on node that is down.

stonith-ng: error: log_operation: Operation 'reboot' [6942] (call 6 from crmd.4568) for host 'crmapp02' with device 'st_ch_hmc:0'
Trying: st_ch_hmc:0
stonith-ng: warning: log_operation: st_ch_hmc:0:6942 [ Performing: stonith -t ibmhmc -T reset crmapp02 ] stonith-ng: warning: log_operation: st_ch_hmc:0:6942 [ failed: crmapp02 3 ] stonith-ng: info: internal_stonith_action_execute: Attempt 2 to execute fence_legacy (reboot). remaining timeout is 59 stonith-ng: info: update_remaining_timeout: Attempted to execute agent fence_legacy (reboot) the maximum number of times (2)

stonith-ng: error: log_operation: Operation 'reboot' [6955] (call 6 from crmd.4568) for host 'crmapp02' with device 'st_hq_hmc' re
Trying: st_hq_hmc
stonith-ng: warning: log_operation: st_hq_hmc:6955 [ Performing: stonith -t ibmhmc -T reset crmapp02 ] stonith-ng: warning: log_operation: st_hq_hmc:6955 [ failed: crmapp02 8 ] stonith-ng: info: internal_stonith_action_execute: Attempt 2 to execute fence_legacy (reboot). remaining timeout is 60 stonith-ng: info: update_remaining_timeout: Attempted to execute agent fence_legacy (reboot) the maximum number of times (2)

stonith-ng: error: log_operation: Operation 'reboot' [6976] (call 6 from crmd.4568) for host 'crmapp02' with device 'st_hq_hmc:0'

stonith-ng: warning: log_operation: st_hq_hmc:0:6976 [ Performing: stonith -t ibmhmc -T reset crmapp02 ] stonith-ng: warning: log_operation: st_hq_hmc:0:6976 [ failed: crmapp02 8 ] stonith-ng: notice: stonith_choose_peer: Couldn't find anyone to fence crmapp02 with <any> stonith-ng: info: call_remote_stonith: None of the 1 peers are capable of terminating crmapp02 for crmd.4568 (1) stonith-ng: error: remote_op_done: Operation reboot of crmapp02 by <no-one> for crmd.4568@crmapp01.6bf66b9c: No route to host crmd: notice: tengine_stonith_callback: Stonith operation 6/31:3700:0:b1fed277-9156-48da-8afd-35db672cd1c8: No route to

crmd: notice: tengine_stonith_callback: Stonith operation 6 for crmapp02 failed (No route to host): aborting transition. crmd: notice: abort_transition_graph: Transition aborted: Stonith failed (source=tengine_stonith_callback:699, 0) crmd: notice: tengine_stonith_notify: Peer crmapp02 was not terminated (reboot) by <anyone> for crmapp01: No route to host (re

crmd: notice: run_graph: Transition 3700 (Complete=1, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=18, Incomplete=2, Source=/var/lib/pacem

crmd: info: do_state_transition: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_CALC cause=C_FSA_IN

pengine: info: process_pe_message: Input has not changed since last time, not saving to disk
pengine:   notice: unpack_config:    On loss of CCM Quorum: Ignore
pengine: info: determine_online_status_fencing: Node crmapp01 is active
pengine:     info: determine_online_status:  Node crmapp01 is online
pengine: warning: pe_fence_node: Node crmapp02 will be fenced because the node is no longer part of the cluster
pengine:  warning: determine_online_status:  Node crmapp02 is unclean
pengine: info: clone_print: Clone Set: cl_st_ch_hmc [st_ch_hmc] pengine: info: native_print: st_ch_hmc (stonith:ibmhmc): Started crmapp02 (UNCLEAN)
pengine:     info: short_print:           Started: [ crmapp01 ]
pengine: info: clone_print: Clone Set: cl_st_hq_hmc [st_hq_hmc] pengine: info: native_print: st_hq_hmc (stonith:ibmhmc): Started crmapp02 (UNCLEAN)
pengine:     info: short_print:           Started: [ crmapp01 ]
pengine:     info: group_print:       Resource Group: g_sap
pengine: info: native_print: sap_ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started crmapp02 (UNCLEAN) pengine: info: native_print: sap_ASCS (ocf::heartbeat:SAPInstance): Started crmapp02 (UNCLEAN) pengine: info: native_print: sap_D00 (ocf::heartbeat:SAPInstance): Started crmapp02 (UNCLEAN) pengine: info: native_color: Resource st_ch_hmc:1 cannot run anywhere pengine: info: native_color: Resource st_hq_hmc:1 cannot run anywhere pengine: warning: custom_action: Action st_ch_hmc:1_stop_0 on crmapp02 is unrunnable (offline) pengine: warning: custom_action: Action st_ch_hmc:1_stop_0 on crmapp02 is unrunnable (offline) pengine: warning: custom_action: Action st_hq_hmc:1_stop_0 on crmapp02 is unrunnable (offline) pengine: warning: custom_action: Action st_hq_hmc:1_stop_0 on crmapp02 is unrunnable (offline) pengine: warning: custom_action: Action sap_ip_stop_0 on crmapp02 is unrunnable (offline) pengine: warning: custom_action: Action sap_ASCS_stop_0 on crmapp02 is unrunnable (offline) pengine: info: RecurringOp: Start recurring monitor (120s) for sap_ASCS on crmapp01 pengine: warning: custom_action: Action sap_D00_stop_0 on crmapp02 is unrunnable (offline) pengine: info: RecurringOp: Start recurring monitor (120s) for sap_D00 on crmapp01
pengine:  warning: stage6:   Scheduling Node crmapp02 for STONITH
pengine: info: native_stop_constraints: st_ch_hmc:1_stop_0 is implicit after crmapp02 is fenced pengine: info: native_stop_constraints: st_hq_hmc:1_stop_0 is implicit after crmapp02 is fenced pengine: info: native_stop_constraints: sap_ip_stop_0 is implicit after crmapp02 is fenced pengine: info: native_stop_constraints: sap_ASCS_stop_0 is implicit after crmapp02 is fenced pengine: info: native_stop_constraints: sap_D00_stop_0 is implicit after crmapp02 is fenced pengine: info: LogActions: Leave st_ch_hmc:0 (Started crmapp01)
pengine:   notice: LogActions:       Stop    st_ch_hmc:1     (crmapp02)
pengine: info: LogActions: Leave st_hq_hmc:0 (Started crmapp01)
pengine:   notice: LogActions:       Stop    st_hq_hmc:1     (crmapp02)
pengine: notice: LogActions: Move sap_ip (Started crmapp02 -> crmapp01) pengine: notice: LogActions: Move sap_ASCS (Started crmapp02 -> crmapp01) pengine: notice: LogActions: Move sap_D00 (Started crmapp02 -> crmapp01) pengine: warning: process_pe_message: Calculated Transition 3701: /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-warn-5.bz2 crmd: info: do_state_transition: State transition S_POLICY_ENGINE -> S_TRANSITION_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_SUCCESS cause=C_IPC

crmd: notice: do_te_invoke: Processing graph 3701 (ref=pe_calc-dc-1489966722-3790) derived from /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/p
crmd: notice: te_fence_node: Executing reboot fencing operation (31) on crmapp02 (timeout=60000) stonith-ng: notice: handle_request: Client crmd.4568.9cd8bc8b wants to fence (reboot) 'crmapp02' with device '(any)' stonith-ng: notice: initiate_remote_stonith_op: Initiating remote operation reboot for crmapp02: ed7f7eae-4836-451d-b146-d6243b5

stonith-ng: notice: get_capable_devices: stonith-timeout duration 60 is low for the current configuration. Consider raising it to 80 seconds stonith-ng: notice: can_fence_host_with_device: st_hq_hmc can fence (reboot) crmapp02: dynamic-list stonith-ng: notice: can_fence_host_with_device: st_hq_hmc:0 can fence (reboot) crmapp02: dynamic-list stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6987] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6987] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: internal_stonith_action_execute: Attempt 2 to execute fence_legacy (status). remaining timeout is 11 stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6986] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6986] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: internal_stonith_action_execute: Attempt 2 to execute fence_legacy (list). remaining timeout is 11 stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6994] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6994] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: update_remaining_timeout: Attempted to execute agent fence_legacy (list) the maximum number of times (2) a
stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6993] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6993] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: update_remaining_timeout: Attempted to execute agent fence_legacy (status) the maximum number of times (2)

stonith-ng: notice: status_search_cb: Unkown result when testing if st_ch_hmc can fence crmapp02: rc=-201 stonith-ng: info: process_remote_stonith_query: Query result 1 of 1 from crmapp01 for crmapp02/reboot (3 devices) ed7f7eae-4836-
stonith-ng: info: call_remote_stonith: Total remote op timeout set to 180 for fencing of node crmapp02 for crmd.4568.ed7f7eae stonith-ng: info: call_remote_stonith: Requesting that crmapp01 perform op reboot crmapp02 for crmd.4568 (216s, 0s) stonith-ng: notice: get_capable_devices: stonith-timeout duration 60 is low for the current configuration. Consider raising it to

stonith-ng: notice: can_fence_host_with_device: st_hq_hmc can fence (reboot) crmapp02: dynamic-list stonith-ng: notice: can_fence_host_with_device: st_hq_hmc:0 can fence (reboot) crmapp02: dynamic-list stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6999] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[6999] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: internal_stonith_action_execute: Attempt 2 to execute fence_legacy (list). remaining timeout is 11 stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[7000] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[7000] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: internal_stonith_action_execute: Attempt 2 to execute fence_legacy (status). remaining timeout is 11 stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[7007] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[7007] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: update_remaining_timeout: Attempted to execute agent fence_legacy (list) the maximum number of times (2) a
stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[7008] stderr: [ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host^M ] stonith-ng: warning: log_action: fence_legacy[7008] stderr: [ Invalid config info for ibmhmc device ] stonith-ng: info: update_remaining_timeout: Attempted to execute agent fence_legacy (status) the maximum number of times (2)

stonith-ng: notice: status_search_cb: Unkown result when testing if st_ch_hmc can fence crmapp02: rc=-201


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