On 07/24/2017 09:40 AM, Jan Pokorný wrote:

> Would there be an interest, though?  And would that be meaningful?

IMO the only reason to put a node in standby is if you want to reboot
the active node with no service interruption. For anything else,
including a reboot with service interruption (during maintenance
window), it's a no.

This is akin to "your mouse has moved, windows needs to be restarted".
Except the mouse thing is a joke whereas those "standby" clowns appear
to be serious.

With this particular failure, something in the Redhat patched kernel
(NFS?) does not release the DRBD filesystem. It happens when I put the
node in standby as well, the only difference is not messing up the RPM
database which isn't that hard to fix. Since I have several centos 6 +
DRBD + NFS + heartbeat R1 pairs running happily for years, I have to
conclude that centos 7 is simply the wrong tool for this particular job.

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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