Digimer napsal(a):
On 2017-11-12 04:20 AM, Aviran Jerbby wrote:

Hi Clusterlabs mailing list,

I'm having issues running pcs authentication on RH cent os 7.0/7.1
(Please see log below).

*_It's important to mention that pcs authentication with RH cent os
7.2/7.4 and with the same setup and packages is working._*

*[root@ufm-host42-014 tmp]# cat /etc/redhat-release *

*CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) *

*[root@ufm-host42-014 tmp]# rpm -qa | grep openssl*




*[root@ufm-host42-014 tmp]# rpm -qa | grep pcs*



*[root@ufm-host42-014 tmp]# pcs cluster auth
ufm-host42-012.rdmz.labs.mlnx ufm-host42-013.rdmz.labs.mlnx
ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx -u hacluster -p "" --debug*

*Running: /usr/bin/ruby -I/usr/lib/pcsd/ /usr/lib/pcsd/pcsd-cli.rb auth*


*  DISPLAY=localhost:10.0*

*  GEM_HOME=/usr/lib/pcsd/vendor/bundle/ruby*

*  HISTCONTROL=ignoredups*

*  HISTSIZE=1000*

*  HOME=/root*

*  HOSTNAME=ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx*

*  KDEDIRS=/usr*

*  LANG=en_US.UTF-8*

*  LC_ALL=C*

*  LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s*

*  LOGNAME=root*


* MAIL=/var/spool/mail/root*

*  OLDPWD=/root*


*  PCSD_DEBUG=true*


*  PERL5LIB=/root/perl5/lib/perl5:*

*  PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT=:/root/perl5*

*  PERL_MB_OPT=--install_base /root/perl5*

*  PERL_MM_OPT=INSTALL_BASE=/root/perl5*

*  PWD=/tmp*

*  QTDIR=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3*

*  QTINC=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/include*

*  QTLIB=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/lib*



*  QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins*

*  SHELL=/bin/bash*

*  SHLVL=1*

*  SSH_CLIENT= 47232 22*

*  SSH_CONNECTION= 47232 22*

*  SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0*

*  TERM=xterm*

*  USER=root*

*  XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0*


*  _=/usr/sbin/pcs*

*--Debug Input Start--*

*{"username": "hacluster", "local": false, "nodes":
["ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx", "ufm-host42-013.rdmz.labs.mlnx",
"ufm-host42-012.rdmz.labs.mlnx"], "password": "", "force": false}*

*--Debug Input End--*

* *

*Finished running: /usr/bin/ruby -I/usr/lib/pcsd/
/usr/lib/pcsd/pcsd-cli.rb auth*

*Return value: 0*

*--Debug Stdout Start--*


*  "status": "ok",*

*  "data": {*

*    "auth_responses": {*

*      "ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx": {*

*        "status": "noresponse"*

*     },*

*      "ufm-host42-012.rdmz.labs.mlnx": {*

*        "status": "noresponse"*

*      },*

*      "ufm-host42-013.rdmz.labs.mlnx": {*

*        "status": "noresponse"*

*      }*

*    },*

*    "sync_successful": true,*

*    "sync_nodes_err": [*

* *

*    ],*

*    "sync_responses": {*

*    }*

*  },*

*  "log": [*

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.434067 #25065]  INFO -- : PCSD Debugging

*    "D, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.454014 #25065] DEBUG -- : Did not detect
RHEL 6\n",*

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.454076 #25065]  INFO -- : Running:
/usr/sbin/corosync-cmapctl totem.cluster_name\n",*

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.454127 #25065]  INFO -- : CIB USER:
hacluster, groups: \n",*

*    "D, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.458142 #25065] DEBUG -- : []\n",*

*    "D, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.458216 #25065] DEBUG -- : [\"Failed to
initialize the cmap API. Error CS_ERR_LIBRARY\\n\"]\n",*

*    "D, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.458284 #25065] DEBUG -- : Duration:

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.458382 #25065]  INFO -- : Return Value:

*    "W, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.458477 #25065]  WARN -- : Cannot read
config 'corosync.conf' from '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf': No such

*    "W, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.458546 #25065]  WARN -- : Cannot read
config 'corosync.conf' from '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf': No such
file or directory - /etc/corosync/corosync.conf\n",*

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.459289 #25065]  INFO -- : SRWT Node:
ufm-host42-012.rdmz.labs.mlnx Request: check_auth\n",*

*    "E, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.459362 #25065] ERROR -- : Unable to
connect to node ufm-host42-012.rdmz.labs.mlnx, no token available\n",*

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.459507 #25065]  INFO -- : SRWT Node:
ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx Request: check_auth\n",*

*    "E, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.459552 #25065] ERROR -- : Unable to
connect to node ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx, no token available\n",*

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.459674 #25065]  INFO -- : SRWT Node:
ufm-host42-013.rdmz.labs.mlnx Request: check_auth\n",*

*    "E, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.459739 #25065] ERROR -- : Unable to
connect to node ufm-host42-013.rdmz.labs.mlnx, no token available\n",*

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.622930 #25065]  INFO -- : No response
from: ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx request: auth, error:

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.627129 #25065]  INFO -- : No response
from: ufm-host42-012.rdmz.labs.mlnx request: auth, error:

*    "I, [2017-11-07T19:52:27.627491 #25065]  INFO -- : No response
from: ufm-host42-013.rdmz.labs.mlnx request: auth, error:

*  ]*


* *

*--Debug Stdout End--*

*--Debug Stderr Start--*

* *

*--Debug Stderr End--*

* *

*Error: Unable to communicate with ufm-host42-014.rdmz.labs.mlnx*

*Error: Unable to communicate with ufm-host42-013.rdmz.labs.mlnx*

*Error: Unable to communicate with ufm-host42-012.rdmz.labs.mlnx*

*[root@ufm-host42-014 tmp]#*

Some of you encounter this issue and know how to solve it?

Any help will be appreciated.



7.0 and 7.1 are quite out of date and have many known bugs and security
issues. I think this issue would make a splendid reason to push
management or whoever is deciding to stay on vulnerable systems to
upgrade now.

If you must stick with these old versions; Can you telnet to the nodes
on the corosync ports?

I don't think this problem has anything to do with corosync (I mean, not yet ;) ), so I would rather suggest pcsd port (I believe by default it is 2224) and all of the ports defined in https://github.com/firewalld/firewalld/blob/master/config/services/high-availability.xml .

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