
We have two node active/standby cluster with a dummy  Stateful resource

We observed that in case one node is up with master resource and other node
is booted up, state file for dummy resource is not created on the node
coming up.

<nvpair id="status-2-master-unicloud" name="master-unicloud" value="5"/>*
*Mar 17 12:22:29 [24875] tigana       lrmd:   notice: operation_finished:
      unicloud_start_0:25729:stderr [ /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pw/uc: line
94: /var/run/uc/role: No such file or directory ]*

This issue is not observed in case secondary do not wait for  cib sync and
starts the resource on secondary as well.

We are in process of upgrading from centos6 to centos7, We never observed
this issue with centos6 releases.

Attributes for clone resource: master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2

setup under observation is:

CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

Thanks and Regards,
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