Message: 2
Date: Sun, 13 May 2018 10:20:36 +0300
From: Andrei Borzenkov <>
Subject: Re: [ClusterLabs] Two-node cluster fencing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

12.05.2018 07:31, Confidential Company ?????:
> Hi,
> This is my setup:
> 1. I have Two vMware-ESXI hosts with one virtual machine (RHEL 7.4) on
> 2. On my physical machine, I have four vmnic --> vmnic 0,1 for uplink
> to switchA and switchB --> vmnic 2,3 for heartbeat corosync traffic
> connect to other ESXI host)
> 3. I plan on clustering my two virtual machines via corosync and create a
> virtual-IP via pacemaker.
> 4. I plan on using the uplink interface for data and totem interface for
> corosync packets(heartbeat messages).
> 5. These two virtual machines doesnt need for a shared storage, or a
> LUN because the application is, by nature, a standalone application that
> doesnt need to have a centralized location as it does not store any data
> that needs to be synchronized between two servers.

>Then why you need fialover cluster in the first place? Why cannot you
have both nodes running at the same time and use virtual server to let
clients connect to either of them?

*Reply to Andrei: *I want to it to be simple as possible. If I setup them
as active/active, i need a loadbalancer (nginx I assume). Or maybe you have
suggestions. Thanks bro

> 6. I have a PC that only needs to contact the Virtual IP of the rhel
> virtual servers.
> 7. Seamless failover from primary to secondary is not required.> 8.
Active/Passive setup
> Given the setup above,
> 1. Is there any drawbacks?
> 2. Do I need fencing? Can you explain me by giving a scenario on the above
> setup? What instances will occur if I didnt put a fence device?
> 3. If I need a fence device? what fence device you recommend? SAN, vmWare,
> or PDU?
> Thanks,
> imnotarobot
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