when a resource fails perform an actionm, run a script on all nodes within
the cluster, before the resource is relocated. i.e. information gathering
why the resource failed.

what I have looked into:
1) Use the monitor call within the resource to SSH to all nodes, again SSH
config needed.
2) Alert framework : this only seems to be triggered for nodes involved in
the relocation of the resource. i.e. if resource moves from node1 to node 2
node 3 doesnt know. so back to the SSH solution :(
3) sending a custom alert to all nodes in the cluster? is this possible?
not found a way?

only solution I have:
1) use SSH within an alert monitor (stop) to SSH onto all nodes to perform
the action, the nodes could be configured using the alert monitors
recipients, but I would still need to config SSH users and certs etc.
     1.a) this doesnt seem to be usable if the resource is relocated back
to the same node, as the alerts start\stop are run at the "same time". i.e
I need to delay the start till the SSH has completed.

what I would like:
1) delay the start\relocation of the resource until the information from
all nodes is complete, using only pacemaker behaviour\config

any ideas?


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