Hello guys,
Finally we decided to not use the alpha version because this will be
production servers.

But it finally works. In Ubuntu18 I just rollback from netplan (networkd)
to NetworkManager ifupdown and now corosync reports correctly the redundant
ring after reboots.
I didn't need to install NetworkManager-config-server package.

Thank you so much!

2018-08-25 22:13 GMT+02:00 Ferenc Wágner <wf...@niif.hu>:

> wf...@niif.hu (Ferenc Wágner) writes:
> > David Tolosa <david.tol...@upcnet.es> writes:
> >
> >> I tried to install corosync 3.x and it works pretty well.
> >> But when I install pacemaker, it installs previous version of corosync
> as
> >> dependency and breaks all the setup.
> >> Any suggestions?
> >
> > Install the equivs package to create a dummy corosync package
> > representing your local corosync build.
> > https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/equivs/equivs-build.1.en.html
> Forget it, libcfg changed ABI, so you'll have to recompile Pacemaker
> after all.
> --
> Regards,
> Feri

*David Tolosa Martínez*
Customer Support & Infrastructure
UPCnet - Edifici Vèrtex
Plaça d'Eusebi Güell, 6, 08034 Barcelona
Tel: 934054555





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