
                I have been using Pacemaker + PostgreSQL 9.4 for many year 
without any issue.  Recently, I setup another cluster with Pacemaker + 
PostgreSQL 9.6 on CentOS 6.  However the cluster didn’t seem to have problem to 
set the Slave’s score from “-INFINITY” to “100”.  When the master is down, 
slave can’t be promoted to Master.  Did anyone have similar issue?  Here is 
what the crm_mon -Afr show.




Stack: cman

Current DC: postgres-n01 (version 1.1.18-3.el6-bfe4e80420) - partition with 

Last updated: Mon Oct  8 14:38:49 2018

Last change: Mon Oct  8 14:38:45 2018 by root via crm_attribute               
on postgres-n01


2 nodes configured

4 resources configured


Online: [ postgres-n01 postgres-n02 ]


Full list of resources:


 Master/Slave Set: pgsqld-master [pgsqld]

     Masters: [ postgres-n01 ]

     Slaves: [ postgres-n02 ]

 Resource Group: master-group

     pgsql-master-ip    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):     Started postgres-n01


Node Attributes:

* Node postgres-n01:

    + master-pgsqld                     : 1000

    + pgsqld-data-status                : LATEST

    + pgsqld-master-baseline            : 0000000004000300

    + pgsqld-status                     : PRI

* Node postgres-n02:

    + master-pgsqld                     : -INFINITY

    + pgsqld-data-status                : STREAMING|ASYNC

    + pgsqld-status                     : HS:async


Migration Summary:

* Node postgres-n02:

* Node postgres-n01:





Barrow Kwan

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