On 03/13/2019 10:56 AM, Lopez, Francisco Javier [Global IT] wrote:
> Hello guys !
> I'm dealing since some time ago with this configuration:
> - Two node cluster.
> - Vmware boxes.
> - PostgreSql release 10.X: Master/Slave.
> On top of this I've set up Pacemaker/Corosync and RA/PAF.
> Now it's time to play with different fencing scenarios.
> I'd like to know from more experienced people about this. Based on the
> configuration I have (or similar)
> perhaps some of you can tell me, based on your experience, what kind
> of fencing sounds more appropriate,
> either node or resource level and based on what.
> Any quick reference would help me a lot.

Vmware being your hypervisor you can go
for fence_vmware_rest or fence_vmware_soap
as fence-agents.

That might depend on your distribution and
which fence-agent-styles are preferred/supported.

If you don't want fencing talking to your hypervisor
for whatever reason you might think of sparing a
shared disk (outside of your hypervisor or provided
by the hypervisor) and going with sbd (Sbd needs
a shared disk for useful deployments of 2-node clusters.
If you spare more virtual-nodes or deploy qdevice
that gives you 'real quorum' and sbd can be used
without a shared disk.).
As sbd is relying on a watchdog and Vmware doesn't
provide one you would have to go with softdog (software
emulation of a watchdog at least not relying on a
working userland) leaving you with somewhat reduced
reliability of the solution.

Depending on how your data is stored you might
in addition consider resource-fencing on the storage.

I'm aware that this doesn't give you an immediate solution
but I hope you'll find a few pointers to be able to

> I reviewed the threads and did not find any specific to this. I'd like
> to have this information to better
> understand what agents to install and manage.
> Thank you
> Javier
> Francisco Javier​             Lopez
> IT System Engineer     |      Global IT
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> M: *+34 619 728 249* <tel:+34%20619%20728%20249>       | 
>       *franciscojavier.lo...@solera.com*
> <mailto:franciscojavier.lo...@solera.com>      |      *Solera.com*
> <https://www.solera.com/>
> Audatex Datos, S.A.    | 
> Avda. de Bruselas, 36, Salida 16, A‑1 (Diversia)      ,       Alcobendas      
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