Good day guys !

I'm implementing fencing in my two node cluster with this detail:

- fence_vmware_soap
- PostgreSql release 10.X
- CentOS 7.X

As far as I know, to create the resources, I can use two different ways:

- Create only one resource for both nodes, following this way:

  # pcs -f stonith_cfg stonith create fence_nodes \
  fence_vmware_soap \
  ipaddr=<VM_IP> \
  ssl_insecure=1 \
  login="<VM_user>" \
  passwd="<VM_passwd>" \
  action=reboot \
  pcmk_host_list="node_01,node_02" \
  power_wait=3 op monitor interval=60s

- Create two different resources, one for each node, following this way:

  # pcs -f stonith_cfg stonith create fence_node_01 \
  fence_vmware_soap  \
  ipaddr=<VM_IP> \
  ssl_insecure=1 \
  login="<VM_user>" \
  passwd="<VM_passwd>" \
  action=reboot \
  pcmk_host_list="node_01" \
  power_wait=3 op monitor interval=60s

  # pcs -f stonith_cfg stonith create fence_node_02 \
  fence_vmware_soap  \
  ipaddr=<VM_IP> \
  ssl_insecure=1 \
  login="<VM_user>" \
  passwd="<VM_passwd>" \
  action=reboot \
  pcmk_host_list="node_02" \
  power_wait=3 op monitor interval=60s

  With this method I understand I will have to add some constraints, etc.

Said this, my questions are:

- Which are the differences among them ? (if any).
- Is there any recommended option and why ?

Francisco Javier​               Lopez

IT System Engineer       |      Global IT

O: +34 619 728 249<tel:+34%20619%20728%20249>    |      M: +34 619 728 
249<tel:+34%20619%20728%20249>    |<>       

Audatex Datos, S.A.      |      Avda. de Bruselas, 36, Salida 16, A‑1 
(Diversia)        ,       Alcobendas      ,       Madrid  ,       28108   ,     



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