Looks like selinux restrictions.
23.05.2019, 14:22, "László Neduki" <laszlo.ned...@gmail.com>:
I sent a similar question from an other acount 3 days ago, but: 
- I do not see it on the list. Maybe I should not see my own email? So I created a new account
- I have additional infos (but no solution), so I rewrite the question
pacemaker cannot start drbd9 resources. As I see, root has very limited privileges in the drbd resource agent, when it run by the pacemaker. I downloaded the latest pacemaker this week, and I compiled drbd9 rpms also. I hope, You can help me, I do not find the cause of this behaviour. Please see the below test cases:
1. When I create Pacemaker DRBD resource I get errors
# pcs resource create DrbdDB ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=drbd_db op monitor interval=60s meta notify=true
# pcs resource master DrbdDBClone DrbdDB master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
# pcs constraint location DrbdDBClone prefers node1=INFINITY
# pcs cluster stop --all; pcs cluster start --all; pcs status
Failed Actions:
* DrbdDB_monitor_0 on node1 'not installed' (5): call=6, status=complete, exitreason='DRBD kernel (module) not available?',
    last-rc-change='Thu May 23 09:54:09 2019', queued=0ms, exec=58ms
* DrbdDB_monitor_0 on node2 'not installed' (5): call=6, status=complete, exitreason='DRBD kernel (module) not available?',
    last-rc-change='Thu May 23 10:00:22 2019', queued=0ms, exec=71ms
2. when I try to start drbd_db by drbdadm directly, it works well:
# modprobe drbd #on each node
# drbdadm up drbd_db #on each node
# drbdadm primary drbd_db
# drbdadm status 
it shows drbd_db is UpToDate on each node
I also can promote and mount filesystem well
3. When I use debug-start, it works fine (so the resource syntax sould be correct)
# drbdadm status
No currently configured DRBD found.
# pcs resource debug-start DrbdDBMaster
Error: unable to debug-start a master, try the master's resource: DrbdDB
# pcs resource debug-start DrbdDB #on each node
Operation start for DrbdDB:0 (ocf:linbit:drbd) returned: 'ok' (0)
# drbdadm status
it shows drbd_db is UpToDate on each node
4. Pacemaker handle other resources well . If I set auto_promote=yes, and I start (but not promote) the drbd_db by drbdadm, then pacemaker can create filesystem on it well, and also the appserver, database resources. 
5. The strangest behaviour for me. Root have very limited privileges whitin the drbd resource agent. If I write this line to the srbd_start() method of  /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/linbit/drbd
ocf_log err "lados " $(whoami) $( ls -l /home/opc/tmp/modprobe2.trace ) $( do_cmd touch /home/opc/tmp/modprobe2.trace )
I got theese messeges in log, when I start the cluster
# tail -f /var/log/cluster/corosync.log | grep -A 8 -B 3 -i lados
May 21 15:35:12  drbd(DrbdDB)[31649]:    ERROR: lados  root
May 21 15:35:12 [31309] node1       lrmd:   notice: operation_finished:    DrbdDB_start_0:31649:stderr [ ls: cannot access /home/opc/tmp/modprobe2.trace: Permission denied ]
May 21 15:35:12 [31309] node1       lrmd:   notice: operation_finished:    DrbdFra_start_0:31649:stderr [ touch: cannot touch '/home/opc/tmp/modprobe2.trace': Permission denied ]
and also, when I try to strace the "modprobe -s drbd `$DRBDADM sh-mod-parms`" in drbd resource agent, I only see 1 line in the /root/modprobe2.trace. This meens for me:
- root cannot trace the calls in drbdadm (even if root can strace drbdadm outside of pacemaker well)
- root can write into files his own directory (/root/modprobe2.trace) 
6. Opposit of previous test
root has these privileges outside from pacamaker
# sudo su -
# touch /home/opc/tmp/modprobe2.trace
# ls -l /home/opc/tmp/modprobe2.trace
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 May 21 15:44 /home/opc/tmp/modprobe2.trace
Thanks: lados.

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George Melikov
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