On 21/08/19 14:49 +0530, Rohit Saini wrote:
> I am using booth (two clusters) using manual ticket. Is there any
> way for cluster-1 to know if peer cluster-2 booth-ip is not
> reachable. Here I am looking to know if there both the sites are
> connected and reachable via each other's booth-ip.

Just that we can come to common terms, do you mean the effective
reachability from the other site, as opposed to plain locally known
fact that that respective assigned virtual IP is up, and perhaps
responding (not necessarily meaning that address would be reachable
from the outside)?

I think having a detached arbitrator on a 3rd site (that is, without
reachability biases amongst other issues, should it be located with
either of the production sites) is the best way to address such
a concern, at least unless manual ticket mode of operation is in place.
TBH, haven't thought of consequences in that very case.

> pcs alerts gives notification about cluster resources/nodes whenever
> they start or join the cluster but there seems to be no option for
> booth notifications.

Naturally, it's above pacemaker's ("local cluster only") level of
reasoning, and only pacemaker talks such "hook execution language" at
the moment (putting before-acquire-handler of booth aside as not
relevant here universally, AFAICT).

You can always crank up your own down-to-socket-communication
monitoring and hook it into your "beyond pacemaker/booth alone"
decision engine you seem to be building anyway.  Just be cautious
about the mentioned network-proximity biases if you want (you shall)
as objective picture as feasible.

Jan (Poki)

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