*>*  We now get a strange requirement. When the active node enters standby
*>*mode, virtual_ip will not automatically jump to the normal node, but
*>*requires manual operation to achieve the jump of virtual_ip
*>*     The mode we use is Active / Passive mode
*>*     The Resource Agent we use is ocf: heartbeat: IPaddr2
*>*      Hope you can solve my confusion

Can you provide the version of the stack, your config and the command
you run to put the node in sandby ?

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov


Sorry, I don't know how to reply correctly, so I pasted the previous
chat content on it

The following are the commands we use

    pcs property set stonith-enabled=false

        pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
        pcs resource create virtual_ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=${VIP}
cidr_netmask=32  op monitor interval="10s"

        pcs resource create docker systemd:docker op monitor interval="10s"
timeout="15s" op start interval="0" timeout="1200s" op stop interval="0"
        pcs constraint colocation add docker virtual_ip INFINITY
        pcs constraint order virtual_ip then docker
        pcs constraint location docker prefers ${MASTER_NAME}=50

        pcs resource create lsyncd systemd:lsyncd op monitor interval="10s"
timeout="15s" op start interval="0" timeout="120s" op stop interval="0"
        pcs constraint colocation add lsyncd virtual_ip INFINITY

The version we use is
     Pacemaker 1.1.20-5.el7_7.2
     Written by Andrew Beekhof
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