Early  systemd bugs caused dbus  issues  and session files  not being cleaned  
up properly.  At least EL 7.4  or  older  were  affected.

What is your OS and version?

P.S.: I know your pain. I am still fighting to explain that without planned 
downtime, the end users will definitely get unplanned downtime.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

На 29 юли 2020 г. 12:46:16 GMT+03:00, lkxjtu <lkx...@163.com> написа:
>Hi Reid Wahl,
>There are more log informations below. The reason seems to be that
>communication with DBUS timed out. Any suggestions?
>1672712 Jul 24 21:20:17 [3945305] B0610011       lrmd:     info:
>pcmk_dbus_timeout_dispatch:    Timeout 0x147bbd0 expired
>1672713 Jul 24 21:20:17 [3945305] B0610011       lrmd:     info:
>pcmk_dbus_find_error:  LoadUnit error
>'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply': Did not receive a reply.        
>Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply,
>the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout
>expired, or the n        etwork connection was broken.
>1672714 Jul 24 21:20:17 [3945305] B0610011       lrmd:    error:
>systemd_loadunit_result:       Unexepcted DBus type, expected o in 's'
>instead of s
>1672715 Jul 24 21:20:17 [3945305] B0610011       lrmd:    error:
>crm_abort:     systemd_unit_exec_with_unit: Triggered fatal assert at
>systemd.c:514 : unit
>1672716 2020-07-24T21:20:17.701484+08:00 B0610011 lrmd[3945305]:   
>error: systemd_loadunit_result: Unexepcted DBus type, expected o in 's'
>instead of s
>1672717 2020-07-24T21:20:17.701517+08:00 B0610011 lrmd[3945305]:   
>error: crm_abort: systemd_unit_exec_with_unit: Triggered fatal assert
>at systemd.c:514 : unit
>1672718 Jul 24 21:20:17 [3945306] B0610011       crmd:    error:
>crm_ipc_read:  Connection to lrmd failed
>> Hi,
>> It looks like this is a bug that was fixed in later releases. The
>> variable was a null pointer when it was passed to
>> `systemd_unit_exec_with_unit` as the `unit` argument. Commit 62a0d26a
>> adds a null check to the `path` variable before using it to call
>> I believe pacemaker-1.1.15-11.el7 is the first RHEL pacemaker release
>> contains the fix. Can you upgrade and see if the issue is resolved?
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