The part that sticks out to me is "Cluster is now split" followed by
"helper command: /sbin/drbdadm fence-peer", which I believe should not
happen after a clean demote/stop of the other side, and then crm-fence- says "Could not connect to the CIB: No such device or
address". The unknown command error is also suspicious.

I'd make sure the installed versions of everything are happy with each
other (i.e. the drbd utils version supports the installed kernel module
and pacemaker versions, and similarly with the resource agent if it
came separately). I'm not familiar enough with DRBD 9 to know if any
further configuration changes are needed.

On Sun, 2021-01-17 at 12:00 -0700, Brent Jensen wrote:
> Here are some more log files (notice the error on 'helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm disconnected') on the Primary Node logs
> Master (Primary) Mode going Standby
> -----------------------------------
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Result of stop
> operation for nfs5-stonith on nfs6: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs6: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 Filesystem(fs_drbd)[797290]: INFO: Running stop
> for /dev/drbd0 on /data
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 Filesystem(fs_drbd)[797290]: INFO: Trying to
> unmount /data
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 systemd[1923]: data.mount: Succeeded.
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 systemd[1]: data.mount: Succeeded.
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: XFS (drbd0): Unmounting Filesystem
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 Filesystem(fs_drbd)[797290]: INFO: unmounted
> /data successfully
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Result of stop
> operation for fs_drbd on nfs6: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0: role( Primary -> Secondary )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Result of
> demote operation for drbd0 on nfs6: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs6: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs6: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0: Preparing cluster-wide state
> change 59605293 (1->0 496/16)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0: State change 59605293:
> primary_nodes=0, weak_nodes=0
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: Cluster is now split
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0: Committing cluster-wide state
> change 59605293 (0ms)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: conn( Connected ->
> Disconnecting ) peer( Secondary -> Unknown )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0/0 drbd0 nfs5: pdsk( UpToDate ->
> DUnknown ) repl( Established -> Off )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: ack_receiver terminated
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: Terminating ack_recv
> thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: Restarting sender thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: Connection closed
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm disconnected
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 drbdadm[797503]: drbdadm: Unknown command
> 'disconnected'
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm disconnected exit code 1 (0x100)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: conn( Disconnecting ->
> StandAlone )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: Terminating receiver
> thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0 nfs5: Terminating sender thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0/0 drbd0: disk( UpToDate ->
> Detaching )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0/0 drbd0: disk( Detaching ->
> Diskless )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0/0 drbd0: drbd_bm_resize called
> with capacity == 0
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 kernel: drbd r0: Terminating worker thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-attrd[1691]: notice: Setting master-
> drbd0[nfs6]: 10000 -> (unset)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Result of stop
> operation for drbd0 on nfs6: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-attrd[1691]: notice: Setting master-
> drbd0[nfs5]: 10000 -> 1000
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs6 pacemaker-controld[1693]: notice: Current ping
> state: S_NOT_DC
> Secondary Node going primary (fails)
> ------------------------------------
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: State
> transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice: On loss of
> quorum: Ignore
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice:  *
> Move       fs_drbd          (         nfs6 -> nfs5 )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice:  *
> Stop       nfs5-stonith     (                 nfs6 )   due to node
> availability
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice:  *
> Stop       drbd0:0          (          Master nfs6 )   due to node
> availability
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice:  *
> Promote    drbd0:1          ( Slave -> Master nfs5 )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice: Calculated
> transition 490, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-
> 123.bz2
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> stop operation fs_drbd_stop_0 on nfs6
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> stop operation nfs5-stonith_stop_0 on nfs6
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> cancel operation drbd0_monitor_20000 locally on nfs5
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_pre_notify_demote_0 on nfs6
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_pre_notify_demote_0 locally on nfs5
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs5: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> demote operation drbd0_demote_0 on nfs6
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: peer( Primary -> Secondary
> )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_post_notify_demote_0 on nfs6
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_post_notify_demote_0 locally on nfs5
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs5: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_pre_notify_stop_0 on nfs6
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_pre_notify_stop_0 locally on nfs5
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs5: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> stop operation drbd0_stop_0 on nfs6
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: Preparing remote state
> change 59605293
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: Committing remote state
> change 59605293 (primary_nodes=0)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: conn( Connected ->
> TearDown ) peer( Secondary -> Unknown )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0/0 drbd0 nfs6: pdsk( UpToDate ->
> DUnknown ) repl( Established -> Off )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: ack_receiver terminated
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: Terminating ack_recv
> thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: Restarting sender thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: Connection closed
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm disconnected
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 drbdadm[570326]: drbdadm: Unknown command
> 'disconnected'
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm disconnected exit code 1 (0x100)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: conn( TearDown ->
> Unconnected )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: Restarting receiver thread
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: conn( Unconnected ->
> Connecting )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-attrd[207003]: notice: Setting master-
> drbd0[nfs6]: 10000 -> (unset)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Transition
> 490 aborted by deletion of nvpair[@id='status-2-master-drbd0']:
> Transient attribute change
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_post_notify_stop_0 locally on nfs5
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-attrd[207003]: notice: Setting master-
> drbd0[nfs5]: 10000 -> 1000
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs5: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Transition
> 490 (Complete=27, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=1, Incomplete=13,
> Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-123.bz2): Stopped
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice: On loss of
> quorum: Ignore
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice:  *
> Start      fs_drbd          (                 nfs5 )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice:  *
> Promote    drbd0:0          ( Slave -> Master nfs5 )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-schedulerd[207004]: notice: Calculated
> transition 491, saving inputs in /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-
> 124.bz2
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> notify operation drbd0_pre_notify_promote_0 locally on nfs5
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Result of
> notify operation for drbd0 on nfs5: ok
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 pacemaker-controld[207005]: notice: Initiating
> promote operation drbd0_promote_0 locally on nfs5
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm fence-peer
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]:
> DRBD_BACKING_DEV_0=/dev/sdb1 DRBD_CONF=/etc/drbd.conf
> DRBD_CSTATE=Connecting DRBD_LL_DISK=/dev/sdb1 DRBD_MINOR=0
> /usr/lib/drbd/
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: (qb_rb_open_2)
> #011debug: shm size:131085; real_size:135168; rb->word_size:33792
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: (qb_rb_open_2)
> #011debug: shm size:131085; real_size:135168; rb->word_size:33792
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: (qb_rb_open_2)
> #011debug: shm size:131085; real_size:135168; rb->word_size:33792
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]:
> (connect_with_main_loop) #011debug: Connected to controller
> IPC         (attached to main loop)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: (post_connect)
> #011debug: Sent IPC hello to controller
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]:
> (qb_ipcc_disconnect) #011debug: qb_ipcc_disconnect()
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]:
> (qb_rb_close_helper) #011debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-
> 207005-570438-16-rx95PO/qb-request-crmd-header
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]:
> (qb_rb_close_helper) #011debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-
> 207005-570438-16-rx95PO/qb-response-crmd-header
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]:
> (qb_rb_close_helper) #011debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-
> 207005-570438-16-rx95PO/qb-event-crmd-header
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]:
> (ipc_post_disconnect) #011info: Disconnected from controller IPC API
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: (pcmk_free_ipc_api)
> #011debug: Releasing controller IPC API
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: (crm_xml_cleanup)
> #011info: Cleaning up memory from libxml2
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: (crm_exit)
> #011info: Exiting crm_node | with status 0
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: /
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: Could not connect
> to the CIB: No such device or address
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: Init failed, could
> not perform requested operations
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570403]: WARNING DATA
> INTEGRITY at RISK: could not place the fencing constraint!
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm fence-peer exit code 1 (0x100)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: fence-peer helper broken,
> returned 1
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0: State change failed: Refusing
> to be Primary while peer is not outdated
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0: Failed: role( Secondary ->
> Primary )
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm fence-peer
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]:
> DRBD_BACKING_DEV_0=/dev/sdb1 DRBD_CONF=/etc/drbd.conf
> DRBD_CSTATE=Connecting DRBD_LL_DISK=/dev/sdb1 DRBD_MINOR=0
> /usr/lib/drbd/
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: (qb_rb_open_2)
> #011debug: shm size:131085; real_size:135168; rb->word_size:33792
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: (qb_rb_open_2)
> #011debug: shm size:131085; real_size:135168; rb->word_size:33792
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: (qb_rb_open_2)
> #011debug: shm size:131085; real_size:135168; rb->word_size:33792
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]:
> (connect_with_main_loop) #011debug: Connected to controller
> IPC         (attached to main loop)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: (post_connect)
> #011debug: Sent IPC hello to controller
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]:
> (qb_ipcc_disconnect) #011debug: qb_ipcc_disconnect()
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]:
> (qb_rb_close_helper) #011debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-
> 207005-570490-16-D2a84t/qb-request-crmd-header
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]:
> (qb_rb_close_helper) #011debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-
> 207005-570490-16-D2a84t/qb-response-crmd-header
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]:
> (qb_rb_close_helper) #011debug: Closing ringbuffer: /dev/shm/qb-
> 207005-570490-16-D2a84t/qb-event-crmd-header
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]:
> (ipc_post_disconnect) #011info: Disconnected from controller IPC API
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: (pcmk_free_ipc_api)
> #011debug: Releasing controller IPC API
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: (crm_xml_cleanup)
> #011info: Cleaning up memory from libxml2
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: (crm_exit)
> #011info: Exiting crm_node | with status 0
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: /
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: Could not connect
> to the CIB: No such device or address
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: Init failed, could
> not perform requested operations
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5[570455]: WARNING DATA
> INTEGRITY at RISK: could not place the fencing constraint!
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm fence-peer exit code 1 (0x100)
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: fence-peer helper broken,
> returned 1
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 drbd(drbd0)[570375]: ERROR: r0: Called drbdadm
> -c /etc/drbd.conf primary r0
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 drbd(drbd0)[570375]: ERROR: r0: Exit code 11
> Jan 17 11:48:14 nfs5 drbd(drbd0)[570375]: ERROR: r0: Command output:
> Jan 17 11:48:15 nfs5 drbd(drbd0)[570375]: ERROR: r0: Command stderr:
> r0: State change failed: (-7) Refusing to be Primary while peer is
> not outdated#012Command 'drbdsetup primary r0' terminated with exit
> code 11
> Jan 17 11:48:15 nfs5 kernel: drbd r0 nfs6: helper command:
> /sbin/drbdadm fence-peer
> ...
> On 1/16/2021 11:07 AM, Strahil Nikolov wrote:
> > В 14:10 -0700 на 15.01.2021 (пт), Brent Jensen написа:
> > > Problem: When performing "pcs node standby" on the current
> > > master, this node demotes fine but the slave doesn't promote to
> > > master. It keeps  looping the same error including "Refusing to
> > > be Primary while peer is  not outdated" and "Could not connect to
> > > the CIB." At this point the old  master has already unloaded
> > > drbd. The only way to fix it is to start  drbd on the standby
> > > node (e.g. drbdadm r0 up). Logs contained herein are  from the
> > > node trying to be master.
> > > 
> > 
> > In order to debug, stop the cluster and verify that drbd is running
> > properly. Promote one of the nodes, then demote and promote another
> > one...
> > > I have done this on DRBD9/Centos7/Pacemaker1 w/o any problems. So
> > > I don't know were the issue is (
> > > 
> > > Another odd data point: On the slave if I do a "pcs node standby"
> > > & then unstandby, DRBD is loaded again; HOWEVER, when I do this
> > > on the master (which should then be slave), DRBD doesn't get
> > > loaded.
> > > 
> > > Stonith/Fencing doesn't seem to make a difference. Not sure if
> > > auto-promote is required.
> > > 
> > 
> > Quote from official documentation (
> >
> > ):
> > If you are employing the DRBD OCF resource agent, it is recommended
> > that you defer DRBD startup, shutdown, promotion, and
> > demotion exclusively to the OCF resource agent. That means that you
> > should disable the DRBD init script:
> > So remove the autopromote and disable the drbd service at all.
> > 
> > Best Regards, Strahil Nikolov
> > 
> > 
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