On Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 23:11:50, Reid Wahl wrote:

> Maybe Pacemaker-1 was looser in its handling of resource meta attributes vs
> operation meta attributes. Good question.

Returning to my suspicion that it's more likely me that simply did something 
wrong, what command can I use to find out what pacemaker thinks my cluster.cib 
file really means, so I can be sure it's been interpreted by pacemaker the same 
way as I do?


"I don't mind that he got rich, but I do mind that he peddles himself as the 
ultimate hacker and God's own gift to technology when his track record 
suggests that he wouldn't know a decent design idea or a well-written hunk of 
code if it bit him in the face. He's made his billions selling elaborately 
sugar-coated crap that runs like a pig on [sedatives], crashes at the drop of 
an electron, and has set the computing world back by at least a decade."

 - Eric S Raymond, about Bill Gates

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