Hi Anthony,

are you sure you are not mixing the two:
sticky resource failures

I mean once the fail-count did exceed, you get a sticky resource constraint (a
candidate for "cleanup"). Even if the fail-count is reset after that, the
constraints will still be there.


>>> Antony Stone <antony.st...@ha.open.source.it> schrieb am 31.03.2021 um
16:48 in
Nachricht <202103311648.54643.antony.st...@ha.open.source.it>:
> On Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 15:48:15, Ken Gaillot wrote:
>> On Wed, 2021‑03‑31 at 14:32 +0200, Antony Stone wrote:
>> > So, what am I misunderstanding about "failure‑timeout", and what
>> > configuration setting do I need to use to tell pacemaker that "provided
>> > resource hasn't failed within the past X seconds, forget the fact that
>> > failed more than X seconds ago"?
>> Unfortunately, there is no way. failure‑timeout expires *all* failures
>> once the *most recent* is that old. It's a bit counter‑intuitive but
>> currently, Pacemaker only remembers a resource's most recent failure
>> and the total count of failures, and changing that would be a big
>> project.
> So, are you saying that if a resource failed last Friday, and then again on

> Saturday, but has been running perfectly happily ever since, a failure today

> will trigger "that's it, we're moving it, it doesn't work here"?
> That seems bizarre.
> Surely the length of time a resource has been running without problem should

> be taken into account when deciding whether the node it's running on is fit

> to 
> handle it or not?
> My problem is also bigger than that ‑ and I can't believe there isn't a way

> round the following, otherwise people couldn't use pacemaker:
> I have "migration‑threshold=3" on most of my resources, and I have three 
> nodes.
> If a resource fails for the third time (in any period of time) on a node, it

> gets moved (along with the rest in the group) to another node.  The cluster

> does not forget that it failed and was moved away from the first node, 
> though.
> "crm status ‑f" confirms that to me.
> If it then fails three times (in an hour, or a fortnight, whatever) on the 
> second node, it gets moved to node 3, and from that point on the cluster 
> thinks there's nowhere else to move it to, so another failure means a total

> failure of the cluster.
> There must be _something_ I'm doing wrong for the cluster to behave in this

> way?  It can't believe it's by design.
> Regards,
> Antony.
> ‑‑ 
> Anyone that's normal doesn't really achieve much.
>  ‑ Mark Blair, Australian rocket engineer
>                                                    Please reply to the
>                                                          please *don't* CC 
> me.
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