On Wed, 2021-06-30 at 08:40 -0700, Matthew Schumacher wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure how to fix this, but calling 'crm resource restart vm-
> name' this morning caused an entire node to get fenced, kicking the
> stool out from under a number of VMs.  
> Looking at VirtualDomain it looks like the system defaults to a 90s
> timeout, and if it can't gracefully shutdown the VM with 'virsh
> shutdown' in 85s, then it calls 'virsh destroy'.  For whatever
> reason, that's not what happened.

That would be the mystery to solve. It sounds like the node was fenced
because the stop failed, so that would be where to investigate.

> I created a mockup where I moved a test vm to it's own node (in case
> it gets fenced), then loaded something that would ignore acpi
> shutdown, then called restart.  This time it worked.  The logs show:
> Jun 30 15:32:11  VirtualDomain(vm-testvm)[13047]:    INFO: Issuing
> graceful shutdown request for domain testvm.
> Jun 30 15:32:26  VirtualDomain(vm-testvm)[13047]:    INFO: Issuing
> forced shutdown (destroy) request for domain testvm.
> I don't have the logs from the original failure due to my node not
> being persistent, but I wonder if anyone else has run into this.
> Here is my resource configuration if that reveals the issue:
> crm configure primitive vm-testvm2 VirtualDomain params
> config="/datastore/vm/testvm/testvm.xml" migration_transport=ssh meta
> allow-migrate=true target-role=Started op monitor timeout=30
> interval=30
> Oh, one last question:  Can I disable fencing for a specific resource
> for testing reasons?  I'd love to watch this break without fear of
> fencing.

Yes, for this scenario, configuring on-fail=block for the stop
operation would cause the cluster to leave the VM alone if the stop
fails. (The VM would not be recovered elsewhere.)

> Matt
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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