We are pleased to announce the release of libqb 2.0.4

Source code is available at:

Please use the signed .tar.gz or .tar.xz files with the version number
in rather than the github-generated "Source Code" ones.

The most important fix in this release is that we no longer log errors inside the signal handler in loop_poll.c - this could cause an application hang in some circumstances.

There is also a new implementation of the timerlist that should inprove performance when a large number of timers are active.


Chrissie Caulfield (3):
      doxygen2man: print structure descriptions (#443)
      Fix pthread returns (#444)
      poll: Don't log in a signal handler (#447)

Jan Friesse (1):
      Implement heap based timer list (#439)

orbea (1):
      build: Fix undefined pthread reference. (#440)

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