>>> "Lentes, Bernd" <bernd.len...@helmholtz-muenchen.de> schrieb am 18.02.2022 
>>> um
16:00 in Nachricht

> ----- On Feb 17, 2022, at 4:25 PM, kgaillot kgail...@redhat.com wrote:
>>> So for me the big question is:
>>> When a transition is happening, and there is a change in the cluster,
>>> is the transition "aborted"
>>> (delayed or interrupted would be better) or not ?
>>> Is this behaviour consistent ? If no, from what does it depend ?
>>> Bernd
>> Yes, anytime the DC sees a change that could affect resources, it will
>> abort the current transition and calculate a new one. Aborting means
>> not initiating any new actions from the transition -- but any actions
>> currently in flight must complete before the new transition can be
>> calculated.
>> Changes that abort a transition include configuration changes, a node
>> joining or leaving, an unexpected action result being received, a node
>> attribute changing, the cluster-recheck-interval passing since the last
>> transition, or a timer popping for a time-based event (failure timeout,
>> rule, etc.). I may be forgetting some, but you get the idea.
>> --
> Hi Ken,
> thanks for your explanation. 
> Now i try to resume if i understood everything correctly:
> I started the shutdown of several VirtualDomains with "crm resource 
> vm_xxxxxxx stop".
> Not concurrently, one by one with some delay of about 30 sec.
> But there was already one VirtualDomain shutting down before.
> Cluster said this transition is aborted, but in real it couldn't be aborted. 
> How to abort a running shutdown ?

Why would you want to do that?

> So we had to wait for the shutdown of that domain.

When stopping sequzentiially, didn't you want to next the next one after the 
previous one had finished?
If not, why not shotdown multiple with one command?

> It has been switched off by libvirt with "virsh destroy" after 10 minutes.

If your VM was stopped with "destroy", there is either a configuration problem, 
or the stop timeout is too short IMHO.

> After that the shutdown of the other domains was initiated, and the domains 
> shutdown cleanly.
> So, to conclude:
> I forgot that i had already one domain in shutdown. I should have waited for 
> this to finish before starting the stop of the other resources.
> Cluster tried to "abort" the shutdown, but shutdown can't be aborted.
> And i had bad luck that the shutdown of this domain took so long.
> Correct ?


> Bernd

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