On Thursday, July 7, 2022, lejeczek via Users <users@clusterlabs.org> wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I have a peculiar case - to me at least - here.
> Unless I tell cluster to move resource to a node (two-node cluster) with
'--master' cluster keeps both nodes as "slaves"
> As soon as I remove such a constraint both nodes start to log:
> ...
> 3442363:M 07 Jul 2022 20:05:31.561 # Setting secondary replication ID to
b14b339d4b0162c3bcd73c9591b60fa491f475dd, valid up to offset: 435. New
replication ID is d704c3a0815fdca98c22392341c7a05e2bb89429
> 3442363:M 07 Jul 2022 20:05:31.561 * MASTER MODE enabled (user request
from 'id=66 addr=/run/redis/redis.sock:0 laddr=/run/redis/redis.sock:0 fd=8
name= age=0 idle=0 flags=U db=0 sub=0 psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=34
qbuf-free=40920 argv-mem=12 obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 tot-mem=61476 events=r
cmd=slaveof user=default redir=-1')
> 3442363:M 07 Jul 2022 20:05:32.269 * Replica asks for
> 3442363:M 07 Jul 2022 20:05:32.269 * Partial resynchronization request
from accepted. Sending 0 bytes of backlog starting from
offset 435.
> 3442363:S 07 Jul 2022 20:11:19.175 # Connection with replica
> 3442363:S 07 Jul 2022 20:11:19.175 * Before turning into a replica, using
my own master parameters to synthesize a cached master: I may be able to
synchronize with the new master with just a partial transfer.
> 3442363:S 07 Jul 2022 20:11:19.175 * Connecting to MASTER
> 3442363:S 07 Jul 2022 20:11:19.177 # Unable to connect to MASTER: (null)
> 3442363:S 07 Jul 2022 20:11:19.177 * REPLICAOF no-such-master:6379
enabled (user request from 'id=90 addr=/run/redis/redis.sock:0
laddr=/run/redis/redis.sock:0 fd=10 name= age=0 idle=0 flags=U db=0 sub=0
psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=48 qbuf-free=40906 argv-mem=25 obl=0 oll=0 omem=0
tot-mem=61489 events=r cmd=slaveof user=default redir=-1')
> and then infamous:
> ...
> 3442363:S 07 Jul 2022 20:11:24.184 # Unable to connect to MASTER: (null)
> 3442363:S 07 Jul 2022 20:11:25.187 * Connecting to MASTER
> ..
> What is PCS/agent getting wrong there?
> btw. OCF Redis does not need 'redis-sentinel.conf' , right?
> many thanks, L.

Based on the "(null)", it looks like this:
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Reid Wahl (He/Him), RHCA
Senior Software Maintenance Engineer, Red Hat
CEE - Platform Support Delivery - ClusterHA
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