On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 6:08 AM lejeczek via Users
<users@clusterlabs.org> wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I have a situation which begins to look like quite the pickle and I'm in it, 
> with no possible or no elegant at least, way out.
> I'm hoping you guys can share your thoughts.
> My cluster mounts a path, in two steps
> 1) runs systemd luks service
> 2) mount that unlocked luks device under a certain path
> now...
> that certain path is where user(s) home dir resides and... as the result of 
> all that 'systemd' does not pick up user's systemd units. (must be way too 
> late for 'systemd')
> How would you fix that?
> Right now I manually poke systemd with, as that given user:
> -> $ systemctl --user daemon-reload
> only then 'systemd' picks up user units - until then 'systemd' says "Unit ... 
>  could not be found"
> Naturally, I do not want 'manually'.
> I'm thinking...
> somehow have cluster make OS's 'systemd' redo that user systemd bits, after 
> the resource successful start, or...
> have cluster somehow manage that user's systemd units directly, on its own.
> In case it might make it bit more clear - those units are 'podman' 
> containers, non-root containers.

You might be able to manage these containers via the
ocf:heartbeat:podman resource agent, with `--user=<your_user>` in the
`run_opts` resource option along with any other relevant options.

If something like that doesn't work, then you could write a simple
lsb-class or systemd-class cluster resource to do what you're
currently doing manually.

There may be other options; those are the two that come to mind.

> All thoughts shared are much appreciated.
> many thanks, L.
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Reid Wahl (He/Him)
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
RHEL High Availability - Pacemaker

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