Hello Reid,

What solution can I use while waiting for a fix for this bug?
Modify RA?

Best regards,

Thomas Cas  |  Technicien du support infogérance
PHONE : +33 3 51 25 23 26       WEB : 
IKOULA Data Center 34 rue Pont Assy - 51100 Reims - FRANCE
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De : Thomas CAS
Envoyé : vendredi 27 janvier 2023 11:28
À : Reid Wahl <nw...@redhat.com>
Cc : Cluster Labs - All topics related to open-source clustering welcomed 
Objet : RE: [ClusterLabs] Problem with MariaDB cluster


I have activated the trace mode on the MYSQL resource on my lab and I rebooted 
Node2, after reboot:

+ echo Node1
+ tr -d
+ master_host=Node1
+ echo Node1
+ [ Node1 -a Node1 != Node2 ]
+ ocf_log info Changing MySQL configuration to replicate from 

I can see that the variable "master_host" is well filled.

In production, I did the same thing and variable "master_host" is not filled:

+ echo
+ tr -d
+ master_host=
+ [  -a  != Node2 ]
+ ocf_log info No MySQL master present - clearing replication state

That is why I would like to know concretely what the variable 
"$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_uname" does.
How is the master_host name retrieved?

Best regards,

Thomas Cas  |  Technicien du support infogérance
PHONE : +33 3 51 25 23 26       WEB : 
IKOULA Data Center 34 rue Pont Assy - 51100 Reims - FRANCE
Before printing this letter, think about the impact on the environment!

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De : Reid Wahl <nw...@redhat.com<mailto:nw...@redhat.com>>
Envoyé : vendredi 27 janvier 2023 09:32
À : Thomas CAS <t...@ikoula.com<mailto:t...@ikoula.com>>
Cc : Cluster Labs - All topics related to open-source clustering welcomed 
Objet : Re: [ClusterLabs] Problem with MariaDB cluster

On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 12:23 AM Thomas CAS 
<t...@ikoula.com<mailto:t...@ikoula.com>> wrote:
Hello Reid,

Thank you so much for your answer and bug report.
If it is a bug, I do not understand why the problem is present in production 
but not on my lab which is identical?

That's a good question. I'm not sure, and I haven't worked much with this 
resource agent. Does the lab show interesting logs at all from the resource 
agent during startup? I wonder if it's hitting the same "No MySQL master 
present" issue but *not* the error that follows. That error is coming from 
mysql itself, not from the resource agent.

After the agent hits the "No MySQL master present" issue, it calls the 
unset_master() function. You can take a look at the agent script (in 
/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/mysql by default) to see all the things that 
unset_master() is doing, and try to determine what's behaving differently in 
production vs. lab.

What does the "$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_uname" variable do? (which 
shell command is done through this variable)

Pacemaker sets it during a resource's notify operation. It's set to some 
information that's used only during a notify operation, and it's unset 
otherwise. You can see some other similar meta variables in the mysql_notify() 
function. The mysql_notify() function gets called during a notify operation, so 
those variables might be set. They won't be set when mysql_start() is called 
during a start operation.

Best regards,

Thomas Cas  |  Technicien du support infogérance
PHONE : +33 3 51 25 23 26       WEB : 
IKOULA Data Center 34 rue Pont Assy - 51100 Reims - FRANCE
Before printing this letter, think about the impact on the environment!


De : Reid Wahl <nw...@redhat.com<mailto:nw...@redhat.com>>
Envoyé : jeudi 26 janvier 2023 20:31
À : Cluster Labs - All topics related to open-source clustering welcomed 
<users@clusterlabs.org<mailto:users@clusterlabs.org>>; Thomas CAS 
Objet : Re: [ClusterLabs] Problem with MariaDB cluster

Vous ne recevez pas souvent de courriers de la part de 
nw...@redhat.com<mailto:nw...@redhat.com>. Découvrez pourquoi cela est 

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 7:39 AM Thomas CAS 
<t...@ikoula.com<mailto:t...@ikoula.com>> wrote:

I'm having trouble with a MariaDB cluster (2 nodes, master-slave) on Debian 11.
I don't know what to do anymore.


 OS: Debian 11
Kernel: 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21)
Versions: resource-agents (4.7.0-1), pacemaker (2.0.5-2), corosync (3.1.2-2), 
mariadb (10.5.18-0+deb11u1)

 OS: Debian 11
Kernel: 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21)
Versions: resource-agents (4.7.0-1), pacemaker (2.0.5-2), corosync (3.1.2-2), 
mariadb (10.5.18-0+deb11u1)

crm configure show as attachment.


When I restart Node2 (which is a slave), it goes up correctly in the cluster:

$ crm status
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: Node1 (version 2.0.5-ba59be7122) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Thu Jan 26 12:04:57 2023
  * Last change:  Thu Jan 26 11:39:58 2023 by root via cibadmin on Node2
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 3 resource instances configured

Node List:
  * Online: [ Node1 Node2 ]

Full List of Resources:
  * VIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):        Started Node1
  * Clone Set: MYSQLREPLICATOR [MYSQL] (promotable):
    * Masters: [ Node1 ]
    * Slaves: [ Node2 ]

But it does not retrieve the replication information. (SHOW SLAVE STATUS; 
returns nothing)
In the Node2 logs, I can see this message that explains that replication is not 
taking place:

Jan 25 16:29:38  mysql(MYSQL)[22862]:    INFO: No MySQL master present - 
clearing replication state
Jan 25 16:29:39  mysql(MYSQL)[22862]:    WARNING: MySQL Slave IO threads 
currently not running.
Jan 25 16:29:39  mysql(MYSQL)[22862]:    ERROR: MySQL Slave SQL threads 
currently not running.
Jan 25 16:29:39  mysql(MYSQL)[22862]:    ERROR: See  for details
Jan 25 16:29:39  mysql(MYSQL)[22862]:    ERROR: ERROR 1200 (HY000) at line 1: 
Misconfigured slave: MASTER_HOST was not set; Fix in config file or with CHANGE 

>From what I see in the following file, Node2 does not seem to find the master 
>name. So it clears its replication information:


        master_host=`echo $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_uname|tr -d " "`
        if [ "$master_host" -a "$master_host" != ${NODENAME} ]; then
            ocf_log info "Changing MySQL configuration to replicate from 
            if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                ocf_exit_reason "Failed to start slave"
                return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
            ocf_log info "No MySQL master present - clearing replication state"

As it is a production environment, I performed a bare metal restore of these 
machines on 2 LAB machines and I have no problem...
In production, there is a lot of writing but the servers are far from being 

Thank you in advance for all the help you can give me.

Best regards,

I'm sorry you've encountered this.

I don't understand why the resource agent checks 
$OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_master_uname during the start operation. That value 
gets set only during a notify operation. That looks like a bug in the resource 

I've filed an issue against it here: 

Thomas Cas  |  Technicien du support infogérance
PHONE : +33 3 51 25 23 26       WEB : 
IKOULA Data Center 34 rue Pont Assy - 51100 Reims - FRANCE
Before printing this letter, think about the impact on the environment!


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Reid Wahl (He/Him)
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
RHEL High Availability - Pacemaker

Reid Wahl (He/Him)
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
RHEL High Availability - Pacemaker
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