On Thu, 2023-03-02 at 08:41 +0100, Gerald Vogt wrote:
> Hi,
> I am setting up a mail relay cluster which main purpose is to
> maintain 
> the service ips via IPaddr2 and move them between cluster nodes when 
> necessary.
> The service ips should only be active on nodes which are running all 
> necessary mail (systemd) services.
> So I have set up a resource for each of those services, put them into
> a 
> group in order they should start, cloned the group as they are
> normally 
> supposed to run on the nodes at all times.
> Then I added an order constraint
>    start mail-services-clone then start mail1-ip
>    start mail-services-clone then start mail2-ip
> and colocations to prefer running the ips on different nodes but only
> with the clone running:
>    colocation add mail2-ip with mail1-ip -1000
>    colocation ip1 with mail-services-clone
>    colocation ip2 with mail-services-clone
> as well as a location constraint to prefer running the first ip on
> the 
> first node and the second on the second
>    location ip1 prefers ha1=2000
>    location ip2 prefers ha2=2000
> Now if I stop pacemaker on one of those nodes, e.g. on node ha2, it's
> fine. ip2 will be moved immediately to ha3. Good.
> However, if pacemaker on ha2 starts up again, it will immediately
> remove 
> ip2 from ha3 and keep it offline, while the services in the group are
> starting on ha2. As the services unfortunately take some time to come
> up, ip2 is offline for more than a minute.
> It seems the colocations with the clone are already good once the
> clone 
> group begins to start services and thus allows the ip to be removed
> from 
> the current node.
> I was wondering how can I define the colocation to be accepted only
> if 
> all services in the clone have been started? And not once the first 
> service in the clone is starting?
> Thanks,
> Gerald

I noticed such behavior many years ago - it is especially visible with
a long-starting resources, and one of techniques
to deal with that is to use transient node attributes instead of
colocation/order between group and vip.
I'm not sure there is a suitable open-source resource agent which just
manages specified node attribute, but it should be
not hard to compose one which implements a pseudo-resource handler
together with atrrd_updater calls.
Probably you can trim all ethernet-related from a ethmonitor to make
such almost-dummy resource agent.

Once RA is there, you can add it as the last resource in the group, and
then rely on the attribute it manages to start your VIP.
That is done with location constraints, just use score-attribute in
their rules -

So, the idea is: your custom RA sets attribute 'mail-clone-started' to
something like 1,
and you have a location constraint which prevents cluster from starting
your VIP resource on a node if value of  'mail-clone-started' attribute
on a node is less then 1 or not defined.
Once node has that attribute set (which happens at the very end of a
start sequence of a group) then (and only then) it decides to move your
to that node (because of other location constraints with preferences
you already have).

Just make sure attributes are transient (not stored into CIB).

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