Hi Jérôme,

Assuming you are asking about changing 'hacluster' password and its impact to pcs authentication, the answer is that there is no impact and you don't need to re-authenticate your nodes. If you have no tokens or known-hosts in /var/lib/pcsd, then your nodes are not authenticated to begin with, anyway.

To re-authenticate pcs on your cluster nodes, run 'pcs cluster auth'. This will authenticate all nodes in the local cluster. Alternatively, you can use 'pcs host auth' command, which allows you to specify nodes manually. None of these commands have impact on resources running in the cluster.

If you are using pcs web UI, you need to use new passwords when logging in, obviously.


Dne 13. 06. 23 v 11:43 Jérôme BECOT napsal(a):

On a running cluster, if I want to change the users password on all nodes, would I need to re-authenticate the nodes to correctly apply this change in Pacemaker ? How to gently re-authenticate on Debian ? Would this need a maintenance ?

I found this link: https://access.redhat.com/articles/1396123

But I have no tokens in /var/lib/pcsd on my nodes

Thank you

*Jérôme BECOT*<https://www.deveryware.com>

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