On Fri, 10 Nov 2023 17:17:41 +0100
lejeczek via Users <users@clusterlabs.org> wrote:

> > Of course you can use "pg_stat_tmp", just make sure the temp folder exists:
> >
> >    cat <<EOF > /etc/tmpfiles.d/postgresql-part.conf
> >    # Directory for PostgreSQL temp stat files
> >    d /var/run/postgresql/14-paf.pg_stat_tmp 0700 postgres postgres - -
> >    EOF
> >
> > To take this file in consideration immediately without rebooting the server,
> > run the following command:
> >
> >    systemd-tmpfiles --create /etc/tmpfiles.d/postgresql-part.conf  
> Then there must be something else at play here with Ubuntus, 
> for none of the nodes has any extra/additional configs for 
> those paths & I'm sure that those were not created manually.


This parameter is usually set by pg_createcluster command and the folder
created by both pg_createcluster and pg_ctlcluster commands when needed.

This is explained in PAF tutorial there:


These commands comes from the postgresql-common wrapper, used in all Debian
related distros, allowing to install, create and use multiple PostgreSQL
versions on the same server.

> Perhpaphs pgSQL created these on it's own outside of HA-cluster.

No, the Debian packaging did.

Just create the config file I pointed you in my previous answer,
systemd-tmpfiles will take care of it and you'll be fine.

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