<map:match pattern="initiatives/*/">
 <map:aggregate element="Page">
   <map:part src="xml/toc.xml"/>
   <map:part src="xml/site/initiatives/{1}.xml"/>
  <map:transform src="xsl/xhtml/initiatives/initiative.xsl">
  <map:parameter name="requesturi" value="/initiatives/{1}/"/>
  <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

On 8/4/03 4:43 AM, "Geoff Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Justin Makeig wrote:
>> I have a table of contents (TOC) document that is being aggregated with an
>> XML instance document for each page request. For example, when
>> http://mysite.com/Instance is requested, the sitemap aggregator generates a
>> document that looks like:
>> <Page>
>>     <TOC/>
>>     <Instance/>
>> </Page>
>> where TOC and Instance are loaded from the file system using
>> map:aggreate/map:part.
>> This system allows me to use XSL keys instead of the document function to
>> reference elements in the TOC making the transforms speedy and cacheable.
>> The TOC document is around 50K and growing arithmetically. Since the TOC is
>> generated at design-time (not run-time), I would like to cache it so that it
>> doesn't have to reparsed for every request. Is this possible? Is it already
>> being done with map:aggregate? Any assistance would be much appreciated.
> Can you send your sitemap snippet that does the aggregation?
> Geoff
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