In Cocoon 2.0.4, I have a sitemap that is excerpted below. When a request
comes in for a page such as, the error is handled
fine. However, when a request comes in for something like, the result of the ErrorGenerator is
aggregated with toc.xml and transformed as if the aggregation had worked. I
would like all 404 errors to be handled by a generic error handler, but
haven't found a way when map:aggregate is involved. I tried the docs and the
wiki to no avail. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

            <map:match pattern="resources/*">
                <map:redirect-to uri="{1}/"/>
            <map:match pattern="resources/*/">
                <map:aggregate element="Page">
                    <map:part src="xml/toc.xml"/>
                    <map:part src="xml/site/resources/{1}.xml"/>
                <map:transform src="xsl/xhtml/resources/resource.xsl"/>
                <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

             <map:handle-errors type="404">
                <map:transform src="xsl/xhtml/error.xsl">
                    <map:parameter name="errorNum" value="404"/>
                <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
                <!--map:serialize type="xml"/-->


- Justin Makeig

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