
i have written a transformer which is needed for my project. This
transformer has to work in two modes which should be specified by a
parameter passed in the sitemap:

-- this is what i wrote in my sitemap --

<map:transformer name="acltransformer" src=


<map:transform type="acltransformer">
   <map:parameter name="ignore_type" value="true"/>


-- this is what i wrote in my transformer --

public class ACLTransformer extends AbstractSAXTransformer implements
Parameterizable, Poolable

public void parameterize(Parameters parameters) throws ParameterException
      this.ignore_type = parameters.getParameterAsBoolean("ignore_type",


The value of my Boolean variable ignore_type is set to false, which means
that the parameter from the sitemap couldn' t be passed to my class.

I think the way I use the interface Parameterizable is correct and i' d
like to know if i have to do further modifications to my sitemap or perhaps
to the cocoon.xconf file.

Thank you for your help.

Gregor Bertrand

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