However if I use saxon (version 6.5.3 or 7.6.5), the "SQLTransformer" sample
throws the following error "org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to
execute pipeline.: java.lang.UnsuportedOperationException: The Saxon DOM
cannot be updated"

Well, the DOM implementation included in the Saxon jar is read-only.

Further investigation revealed that the line

final DocumentFragment recordedDocFrag = doc.createDocumentFragment();

was the problem, as doc.createDocumentFragment() is returning a null when
> saxon is used.

This is part of the read-onlyness of Saxon's DOM implementation.

The solution is to use another DOM impelmentation, possibly the
one delivered with Xerces or included in the 1.4 JDK. Perhaps the
most simple way to achieve this is to remove the DOM classes from
the Saxon jar, as well as the service entries.
Other ideas include putting the Xerces jars into a directory where
they cen be used by Cocoon but are loaded before the Saxon jar
(perhaps the JDK's the servlet engine's lib/endorsed), or somehow
setting the service entries so that they point to a R/W DOM


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