After about 5 hours of building cocoon-distributions, testing and
googling I am quite despaired about using JSP in cocoon. Cocoon runs
fine but if it comes to JSPs not even the built-in examples work. 

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: ServletException in

is the exception I get with no further detail what could be wrong. 

I have read about this problem in mailing list archives and
unfortunately there wasn't anyone who had a clear answer or solution for
that problem although it has been asked more than once. 

Earlier this morning I had C2.0.4 working in Tomcat 4.0.12 but there I
stumbled over a bug that was reported in some mailing lists:
<jsp:include ../> doesn't work properly in a Cocoon-pipeline and again -
no suitable solution on the web, only some people who discovered the
same thing.

Is there anyone out there who had already successfully worked with JSPs
in Cocoon2.1.1? 


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