Derek Hohls wrote:
Thanks for the reply - the form validation is used elsewhere
in the sitemap, as part of user authentication in fact.
However, I need to access the {username} again for
display in certain pages.
Do you know how to access this value?

that sounds like it lives somewhere on the stack of values. without knowing more about your sitemap, I can't count the nesting levels for the number of "../" in front of "username".

set your logging level for sitemap to debug and you'll find a listing of all sitemap variables available at different points of your sitemap.

as an alternative, the action stores all values successful validated or not as request attributes. by using the request input module you can access it directly. have a look at the source or javadocs to find out about the key, it's probably

<parameter name="username" value="{request:attribute/org.apache.cocoon.acting.Validation/username}"/>

or something similar. the request module is jxpath based, not quite sure if this is the correct way to invoke the getAttribute() method on the request....


On 22.Sep.2003 -- 02:36 PM, Derek Hohls wrote:

Working with Cocoon 2.0.4 and JDK 1.3...

I am trying to get the value of parameters used in a FormValidatorAction, to pass as new parameters
further on in the sitemap.

According to the Cocoon API docs, if I have :

<map:act type="form-validator">
        <parameter name="descriptor" value="context://descriptor.xml">
        <parameter name="validate" value="username,password">


"This action returns null when validation fails, otherwise it provides all validated parameters to the sitemap via {name} expression."

This means, from what I understand of this API, that I should be able to have:

<map:match pattern="test/*">
<map:generate type="file" src="test/{1}.xml" />
<map:transform src="styles/page2html.xsl">
<map:parameter name="username" value="{username}" />
<map:serialize />

And where exactly do you use the formvalidator?

and expect to access the value of 'username' as parameter
in the page2html.xsl transform - however, I always get a null value returned even when the validation is successful - is the above
syntax incorrect?



Christian Haul

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