In the FAQ about XInclude and CInclude transformer
differences and similarities is this XInclude difference:

     -Allows you to use XPointer syntax (via '#' or XPointer() syntax)
within href attribute. However, support of XPointer requires random access
to the object model of XML document to be included. Thus, it is expensive to
construct in runtime. If you are including a whole document, it's better to
use CInclude which supports straightforward text inclusion.

Doesn't the XIncludeTransformer also support straightforward text inclusion?

     -Allows you to include text or xml content (via parse="text|xml").

With the XIncludeTransformer, do I always have the performance expense of
the "random access to the object model of XML document to be included" even
if I am not using XPointer, or if my parse="text"?

Thanks in advance,

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