Antonio Gallardo Escribio :-)
> Bruno Dumon dijo:
>> On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 11:47, Antonio Gallardo wrote:
>>> Bruno Dumon dijo:
>>> > However, for what you are trying to do here, I'd suggest using the
>>> "range" validation rule.
>>> Hi Bruno:
>>> Carlos and I work together.
>> I suspected something like this ;-)
>> Welcome on board, Carlos!

   thanks Bruno.

>>>  This is his first post to the list, but he is
>>> working with Cocoon 3 or 4 months. We are aware that range is better
>>> for that purpose, but this is just a test.

   i'm think maybe we need when test two field in the form.

>> Yes of course, I also wanted to know what's wrong.
>>>  Carlos helps me in the integer
>>> datatype I posted yesterday.
>>> Interesting enough is that the assert validator in woody is not
>>> working for us. I think  maybe it is broken.
>> Now that I think of it, this probably has to do with Sylvain's change
>> of doing the validation as part of the getValue() call, which is also
>> done in the validation rule itself to retrieve the value of the
>> widget, so it's going to do that recursively and finally give a
>> StackOverflowError. The same can also occur if two different widgets
>> reference each other in their validation rules. We'll have to see what
>> to do about this, but I don't have time right now to think about it.
> yep. StackOverflow is the error in the sample of registration form of
> woody block demo. The error show the recursion you said!
> Well, maybe you can do "tele-programming" (or e-programming) like
> before, just send us some tips and we will be glad to fix the bug ;)
> BTW, Cocoon 2.1.2 has the bug inside! opss! :-( I hope Carsten will not
> be angered if we request for 2.1.3 :-D
> Best Regards,
> Antonio Gallardo
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Carlos Chávez
AG Software, S.A.

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