Title: cocoon url redirection using action?


I want to do some redirection using
        <map:mathc pattern="gateway">
                        <map:act type="xsp-action" src="">
                                <map:redirect-to uri="{gatewayredirectURL}"/>

Assuming the redirect url is generated by my action as above, would it automatically redirect all the queryparameters (POSTed) along to the redirect url?

Or do I need to do something special in the action codes to pass along the posted query parameters?

What I have in mind is that I have a url like:


and a form is posted to this url and then from my action, it would examine some parameters and then redirect the posted form to another url for further processing by keeping all the request parameters orginally posted to cocoon/gateway.

Any help would be appreciated.


P.S. I am using cocoon 2.0.3 on tomcat.

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