Yep this is what you get when you run it on Panther... If you switch to Tomcat, you will have a problem finding the endorsed lib to put the xalan, xerces and xml-api jars in, so you are better off using the Paranoid mode in the cocoon.xconf file... But it runs nice with jetty too.

On Oct 24, 2003, at 15:24, John Blumer wrote:

Thank you to all who jumped right in to help me yesterday. Is this what I'm supposed to be seeing?

Last login: Fri Oct 24 07:43:35 on ttyp2
Welcome to Darwin!
[jb:~] johnblumer% cd /Users/johnblumer/cocoon-2.1.2/
[jb:~/cocoon-2.1.2] johnblumer% cocoon servlet
cocoon: Command not found.
[jb:~/cocoon-2.1.2] johnblumer% ./ servlet
./ using ./build/webapp as the webapp directory
-------------------- Loading --------------------
Processing repository: ./tools/jetty/lib
Adding jar: ./tools/jetty/lib/jetty-4.2.9.jar
Adding jar: ./tools/jetty/lib/servlet-2.3.jar
Processing repository: ./lib/endorsed
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/xalan-2.5.1.jar
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/xercesImpl-2.5.0.jar
Adding jar: ./lib/endorsed/xml-apis.jar
-------------------- Executing -----------------
Main Class: org.mortbay.jetty.Server
07:48:55.957 EVENT Starting Jetty/4.2.9
07:48:58.559 EVENT Started WebApplicationContext[/,./build/webapp] not found, using command line or default properties
Opening database: /Users/johnblumer/cocoon-2.1.2/build/webapp/WEB-INF/db/cocoondb
HSQLDB server 1.7.1 is running
Use SHUTDOWN to close normally. Use [Ctrl]+[C] to abort abruptly
Fri Oct 24 07:49:05 CDT 2003 Listening for connections ...
- Quartz scheduler 'Cocoon
- Quartz scheduler version: 1.2.3
- Scheduler Cocoon_$_Fri_Oct_24_07:49:13_CDT_2003 started.
07:49:14.290 EVENT Started SocketListener on
07:49:14.293 EVENT Started [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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