Which stylesheet processor are you using? I was playing around with Lenya
(a CMS based on Cocoon) the other day and they'd made XSLTC the default
and it crashed on xsl:includes saying something like "could't get
transformer handler...". Replacing XSLTC by Xalan did the job.

I didn't go into detail trying to find the problem. Does anybody know
whether XSLTC has a problem with/does not support xsl:include's?


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 20:27:49 +0000
Johannes Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm desperatly trying to do an <xsl:include of a file into an existing
> xsl file.
> I'm using: <xsl:include href="myfile.xsl"/> in my xsl-file.
> Cocoon does not complain it can't find the file, but the stylesheet
> isn't being generated. Any ideas?
> Do I have to tell the sitemap about the included file? If yes, how?
> Jonny
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