Thanks Carlos,

You've understood what I wanted to do, but if you read a little bit further, you'll see that I met some problems to adopt this structure... :)


On 31/10/2003 18:48, Carlos Chávez wrote:

Olivier Billard Escribio :-)

Hi all !

I have a problem concerning the binding in woody :

I have repeater bound with following structure :
<person id="">
  <person_data>some data</person_data>
<person id="">
  <person_data>other data</person_data>

try this organitation :

   <person id="156">


carlos chavez.

here is the repeater binding :
<wb:repeater id="persons" parent-path="." row-path="person"
unique-row-id="id"  unique-path="@id">
    <wb:value id="person_id" path="person_id" />

remove the line above

    <wb:value id="person_data" path="person_data" />

    <wb:delete-node />

      <person id="">
        <person_id />
        <person_data />

and the container :

<wd:repeater id="persons">
  <wd:output id="id">
    <wd:datatype base="string"/>
  <wd:field id="person_id">
    <wd:datatype base="string"/>
  <wd:field id="person_data">
    <wd:datatype base="string"/>

Obviously, @id and person_id play the same role, but this is the only way I get it work. When I set :

>>row-path="person_id" unique-row-id="person_id"<<
on the repeater binding, the last row added is equals to the same...

and when I bind the widget person_id to @id :
    <wb:value id="person_id" path="@id" />
    <wb:value id="person_data" path="person_data" />
I have a JXPath exception, telling that the value cannot be bound with

What is wrong ?
 - is "@id" a wrong JXPath expression ? If yes, how can I bound the
person_id widget with
the person/@id in the structure ?
 - are the attrs of the repeater binding >>row-path="person_id"
unique-row-id="person_id"<< wrong ? In this case, what is the true
syntax ?

Thanks in advance, and more if you read this mail until the end :) ...


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