On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 20:11:07 +0100
Alexander Schatten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Upayavira tried to help me the last days to get the Cocoon CLI running 
> to generate the website for a Cocoon-Tutorial Day. Thanks again, I made 
> some steps forward but:
> after meanwhile days of work, I unfortunately still have no result. I 
> came so far, that
> (1) I downloaded the recent CVS sources
> (2) I modified the local.blocks.properties by excluding all unstable 
> blocks as well as hsqldb
> (3) cocoon compiles then.
> (4) I install my webapplication, start cocoon in servlet mode--for test 
> purpose---and it displays correctly with the url:
> http://localhost:8888/cocoon-day/index.html
> so this works fine.
> (5) then I use the default cli.xconfig but add/modify:
>    <uri type="replace"
>         src-prefix="samples/"
>         src="hello-world/hello.html"
>         dest="build/dest/hello-world.html"/>
>     <uris name="CocoonDay" follow-links="true">
>         <uri type="replace"
>             src-prefix=""
>             src="cocoon-day/index.html"
>             dest="build/dest/cocoon-day"/>
>     </uris>
> (btw. the default installed example does not work, but this is no 
> miracle, as there is no /hello-world/hello.html. I believe, again, that 
> at least the default exmaple should work)
> o.k. then
> (6) ./cocoon.sh cli -x cli.xconf
> (7) cli now runs at least without exceptions, with the result:
> * [1/0]     [0/0]     3.186s 4.6Kb   cocoon-day/index.html
> Total time: 0 minutes 6 seconds,  Site size: 4,752 Site pages: 1
> as a matter of fact, not a single result page is created :-(
> I tried various combinations in the uri statement, but always with the 
> same "null" result...
> to be honest, I have no further idea how to proceed.
> -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
> I really would be glad if someone could help me: I added the cocoonday 
> website to:
> http://www.schatten.info/info/cocoon-day.tar.gz
> additionally I copied the cli.xconf into this tar. So if anyone would 
> like to check this this would be really glad.
> -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
> I would have liked to present this offline feature next week, but I have 
> to drop it otherwise, as I cannot present something to new users, that 
> not even I was able to get up and running in more than a week of hard 
> trying...

Hi Alex,

i tested it with a CVS-build from last friday/sunday

the steps i did:

1.) copy your cocoon-day directory to build/webapp
2.) add to the main-sitemap in build/webapp
    as first pipeline in <map:pipelines>
    <map:match pattern="cocoon-day**">
    <map:mount check-reload="yes" src="cocoon-day/"  uri-prefix="cocoon-day" />
3.) copy servlet-2.3.jar from tools/jetty/lib to build/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
4.) ./cocoon.sh cli -c build/webapp -e false -d simon -C 
build/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf cocoon-day/index.html

and the site was build after one trail without the "-e false" option, there was only 
generated the index.html.
Maybe that is the problem in your cli.xconf is this setting to true
<cocoon verbose="true"
        confirm-extensions="true">  <!-- this on set to false  -->

there was some exceptions, but the build was ok.

I didn't comment out blocks, just a ./build.sh webapp.

I tested it with my pre-pre-alpha cocoon-Desktop (an GUI-Interface with FTP-Client) 
application it works too.

The site looks fine.


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